Some images from my garden

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All taken on the G9 and the Lumix G Macro 30 mm lens.

I downloaded them as low res jpegs so it made uploading them faster. Some were shot with flash today, others without yesterday.

P1030335 by Adam CSki, on Flickr

1 (1) by Adam CSki, on Flickr

1 (5) by Adam CSki, on Flickr

1 (4) by Adam CSki, on Flickr

1 (3) by Adam CSki, on Flickr

1 (2) by Adam CSki, on Flickr

Single shot images, so no stacking. I find getting images of the bugs (when they are moving) much easier with the auto focus lens than the Loawa 100mm lens I have.
Nice set Adam
Great set Adam ;)
Macro is addictive :ROFLMAO:
Trouble is photography is addictive and expensive....told the wife I am "looking" at another lens on Monday........"another one" she replies lol

I like the Laowa and it gives incredible image quality (in my humble opinion), it's just really hard to get the images of the bugs moving....I'd never have got that hoverfly in flight with it as an example. A stationary bug, or spider in web yes, but anything on the move is painfully hard. If I am stacking then the Laowa is the go to without a doubt. For a quick hour in the garden, this little M43rds 30mm lens is fun (got it for my daughter really in trades at Wex). So, I will try the sigma and see how I get on. Might make altering focus points and stacking easier also as I can just press the screen and the camera can focus on that area, then press another area and switch the focus. I can't do that with the Laowa as you know its completely manual (on L mount anyway). Pressing different areas on the screen does nothing with the Laowa on the L mounts.