Some more night shots


In Memoriam
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The images in this first post were captured with a Raynox MSN-505 on my Panasonic G5 to test out the use of a small additional (convex) diffuser attached to the lens. (This is written up in this post in my Journey thread. The images of the larger subjects in the second post were captured with a Raynox 250 on the G5. All the shots were captured hand-held using autofocus, using my Shallow Hybrid diffusers.

1 Yes, it was this way up. It was on a wall directly in front of me. And yes, I've tried rotating it. And no, I didn't like it that way round - it didn't look right. Something about the lighting perhaps, I don't know.

0854 03 2016_03_17 P1130827_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

2 And this one is the right way round too! It had moved.

0854 04 2016_03_17 P1130853_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


0854 05 2016_03_17 P1130888_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


0854 06 2016_03_17 P1130874_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


0854 07b Corrected fringing 2016_03_17 P1130904_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr
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These were captured using a Raynox 250.

6 Wood lice (or at least the ones in our garden) come out at night but don't seem to like having a light shone at them. This one was completely still when I arrived.

0854 11 2016_03_17 P1130954_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

7 Quite soon it stirred ...

0854 12 2016_03_17 P1130955_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

8 ... then started to move ...

0854 13 2016_03_17 P1130956_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

9 ... and off it went ...

0854 14 2016_03_17 P1130957_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

10 ... scuttling away into the dark and out of sight ...

0854 15 2016_03_17 P1130958_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

... so I had to look for other things.

11 I rather liked the look of this slug. It was quite small.

0854 19 2016_03_17 P1140031_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


0854 22 2016_03_17 P1140033_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr


0854 23 2016_03_17 P1140038_DxO LR 1300h
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr
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Amazing Nick .... highlights in #2 are a little hot, but that critter is one of the hardest bugs I've ever shot so bronze and reflective.

slight clip of leg in #1 but who cares its great.

and last one with a compact is mentally good crisp sharp focus where it needs to be :D
Amazing Nick .... highlights in #2 are a little hot, but that critter is one of the hardest bugs I've ever shot so bronze and reflective.

slight clip of leg in #1 but who cares its great.

and last one with a compact is mentally good crisp sharp focus where it needs to be :D

Thanks Bryn. That bronze one didn't seem too bad to me. (After PP) it looked much better than I can ever get a ladybird to look for example. I think ladybirds and slugs are probably the most difficult little animals that I photograph.

Number 5 for me is very interesting, the minimal depth of focus makes it a different and intriguing springtail shot.

Thanks Chris. I always wonder with shots like that whether to post them or not (which I usually don't, not even to Flickr, let alone here). Such narrow depth of focus generally seems rather iffy to me, and asks for stacking, but I still haven't got round to doing much of that yet.

Very cool shots Nick, DOF is fantastic - they look almost like stacked images (y) (y)

Thanks Carl. I like the DOF comment! As you know I do like to get as much DOF as I can.