Some more test images

You seem to have some good lighting now on these now Nick - do you think you are getting results that you will stay happy with?


Unfortunately not. I have to some extent given up as far as lighting goes and accepted that I can't get lighting I like with reflective subjects, and also some that you wouldn't think are particularly reflective, but still give me problems at some angles. #5 was an example of that. So I've started using (mainly medium/low opacity) cloning to reduce the impact of the problems. #5 was an example which got moderate treatment, along the furry wing case and also on the dark neck. The rear segment of the ant in #3 got more serious ("reconstruction") treatment.

I'm not really comfortable with this approach, but having failed with numerous attempts at lighting solutions, even though I've had some good help over at dpreview, and not wanting to just throw away otherwise acceptable shots, I don't see any other way forward just at the moment. I'll carry on trying to improve the lighting from time to time (I'm a bit burnt out on that front just now), but I'm not optimistic that I'll be able to get where I'd like to be with lighting.
Another cracking set(s) Nick.
You certainly have a lot more patience than me that's for sure (y)