Some water world photos

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Waterlouse, The real size is 8.4 mm, magnification is 1.4

Waterlouse, The real size is 5.98 mm, magnification is 1.96 by davholla2002, on Flickr

IMG_0672_Waterlousev4 by davholla2002, on Flickr

A newt tadpole and leech at 1.5 Magnification from BR7.Newt tadpole is 9.03 mm and leech 4.82 mm

A newt tadpole and leech at 1.5 Magnification from BR7.Newt tadpole is 9.03 mm and leech 4.82 mm by davholla2002, on Flickr

Newt tadpole, The real size is 6.77 mm, magnification is 1.4.
A stack of 3 photos

IMG_0688_Newt_Tadpolev3 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Fly larva The real size is 8.4 mm, magnification is 1.4

IMG_0631_Fly_larvav2 by davholla2002, on Flickr
Very nice work David especially the first I am guessing there have been developments in your set up and it seems to be working well.
No I have the same water set up as earlier in the year. The camera is the same although the flash is tricky.

The main thing with these photos is cloning out debris in the water.
No I have the same water set up as earlier in the year.
Very nice David, TBH I too thought something had changed as these images seem more defined.
Very nice David, TBH I too thought something had changed as these images seem more defined.
Thanks well the flash head holders has broken so they are slighter farther apart - also practice. This is I think the most time consuming type of macro photography but the subjects are really interesting.
What I find weird is that I easily see may fly nymphs but very rarely the adults.
Lovely pictures Dave cant be easy in the water
It is a bit tricky - making the set up was the hardest thing. Sadly it is not for sale on Amazon.
The first time I tried I cut myself, I need to write an article about this for an insect magazine.
What I find weird is that I easily see may fly nymphs but very rarely the adults.

Mayflys being nocturnal and living just few hours is most likely...

Great set Dave.
