Somerton blue hour


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On Wednesday night there was a mist rolling into the valley around 10ish, and I was able to spend about 30min shooting while the light faded.






I've tried to keep a sense of night arriving in these, hence the final 3 shots being increasingly dark - this is no place for a full dynamic range! The mill shot feels a little out of place - any comments on that?
An interesting set of images, I can understand what you have done in the last 3 pictures but I feel they are too dark for my liking. However the 1st picture is a great image with bags of atmosphere.
No, but judging by the first two shots where there is detail in the darker areas I feel the later shots are overpowered by the dark shadows. As you suggest it may be different on a calibrated monitor.:)
Absolutely loving the first two images.
Colour, light level and composition are excellent.
The placement of the lights in the reflection really make No2 for me.
Thanks Paul.

No, but judging by the first two shots where there is detail in the darker areas I feel the later shots are overpowered by the dark shadows. As you suggest it may be different on a calibrated monitor.:)

There is some detail in there, but deliberately held back. On my uncalibrated system the areas in shadow look solid black and the images are overall darker than I'd consider acceptable. Thanks for your comments - I may still try to pull a little more out.
Super set. I wonder what no.1 would look like in B&W?
Great use of an alternative colour scheme that suits the images.
I like these, especially the last three. If you were trying to evoke the feeling of night drawing in you nailed it. There is no mistaking what you are looking at so I dont agree that they are too dark or hard to see. The layered horizon adds depth. Maybe not everyones cup of tea, but a nice, successful trip out of the ordinary.

The mill one, I think it needed more of the mill visible to give it an identity. The only one I am not keen on.
I like these, particularly 1 (very atmospheric) and 2. Obviously 4 and 5, and borderline 3 will fall down technically but for me great artistic intent. I often dither about bringing back detail in night shots and usually end up doing so to satisfy the technical side.