weekly Sophie - 52 for 2024 - Week 30-34

Week 1 - Close By

With the Christmas festivities now over, I am more inclined in letting my two cats mess about with the Christmas tree. So Lily has very kindly started removing the baubles from the lower branches. In this picture she has also started removing the lights and tinsel!

Close By-2
by Sophie Brown
Lovely shot Sophie :)
Great shot Sophie. Our two cats made full use of the tree again this year, but at least they didn't demolish it like last year, so I guess that's progress.
Great stuff and nicely caught, I was kinda disappointed our cat took no interest in the tree this year.
Haha! I wouldn’t be disappointed! I have had too many baubles break. She was an absolute menace as a kitten, I’d find her climbing up the middle! I thought she’d grow out of it but every year she sees it coming out the loft and all hell breaks loose!

Lovely shot Sophie :)
Thank you!

Great shot Sophie. Our two cats made full use of the tree again this year, but at least they didn't demolish it like last year, so I guess that's progress.
Yes I agree! I didn’t have any broken baubles this year so I consider that progress too!
Can't beat a good cat-in-a-tree photo Sophie. And whilst I like an explosion of random colour on our Christmas tree, the red/gold keeps the distraction to a minimum. Also quite a tricky one to get. Our cats are buggers for avoiding my camera.
Great capture there! Maybe after the red she would go for a colour? :D
Ha! The tree is gone now and she was having great fun choosing a bauble to bat around the lounge floor before I put it away in its box!

Nice image Sophie, very close.
Thank you. Nothing more close to home than in your own lounge with your pets. (Even if they can be a pain sometimes!)

Can't beat a good cat-in-a-tree photo Sophie. And whilst I like an explosion of random colour on our Christmas tree, the red/gold keeps the distraction to a minimum. Also quite a tricky one to get. Our cats are buggers for avoiding my camera.
Thank you. Lily is quite photogenic. She featured a few times when I did the 52 for 2023. My male cat Titan, who is older, is a bit more laid back so doesn't tend to get involved much.

A good start Sophie. Lily looks very determined to sort out the tree decorations.
Thank you. Yes she is very focused, which is what I enjoyed the most when trying to get the picture. She was most unhelpful in batting the baubles around the lounge floor before I was able to get them in their box!
Always love a cat pic, and great you caught her in action (and helping to take down the tree!)
Week 2 - Hard

A recent walk to Rivington Pike helped me get some ideas for this theme. I decided to submit Hard (wearing) as it was one of my initial ideas when we decided to take this walk. I've also added another picture that I liked called Hard (climb).

Hard (Wearing)

by Sophie Brown

Hard (Climb)

Hard Climb
by Sophie Brown
That looks pretty desolate up there, nice in the summer though I expect.
That looks pretty desolate up there, nice in the summer though I expect.
Its a great walk. But I have to say the beauty that is photoshop removed some of the people for me. It gets very busy in the summer, so I try and do these walks during the colder months and during the week.
Nice. I'm up Rivington a lot either walking or mountain biking.
Good stuff. It's a while since I was up there. Those benches weren't there!
Really liking the monument or mini watchtower? Looks great in mono with a strong comp.
Thank you. After a quick bit of research (google) Rivington Pike used to be one of the Beacons to warn of invasion.
Great shot. The addition of the benches which I would probably have tried to avoid actually improves the composition.
Week 3 - Soft

For 2023 I set myself a challenge to take all the pictures on my IPhone. For 2024, I am wanting to experiment more by using Mr Browns' camera as I may decide after then to purchase one for myself for 2025.;):thinking:

This week, I had my first attempt at using Mr Browns' Macro Lens. He has been teaching me about ISO as well so that I know how to get more light through, which is important when using the Macro one. Out of the many pictures I took, the two below are my favourite. The one I submitted was in focus the most, the second I like how Titans' mouth and nose sit in the top which I feel adds more 'softness' to the picture, however his paw is out of focus.

Soft Paw
by Sophie Brown

Titan paw
by Sophie Brown
Beaten to the pun by a wisker!

Yes - No2 is defo the shot :)
Oooh, the second one is the shot! Like it, no doubts. I didn't even need to "pause" for thought.

Beaten to the pun by a wisker!

Yes - No2 is defo the shot :)

The second one works for me too. Good idea for the theme (y)

Ahh damn it! So Mr Brown was right! It was my first time having a go at the Macro lens so I was concentrating more on focus instead of the rest of the picture. Can't win them all! Glad you all like the photos though.