South of England Tempest Rally, 6th November 2010

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Had rather a hectic weekend for one reason or another but did manage to spend a few hours snapping some rally cars at the Tempest Rally. Struggled a bit with dogy light and naff location but got a couple of shots i'm reasonably happy with. Think I need a 70-200 2.8, I sold one of these a few years back... oops. Anyway on with some random pics, rally boys fill your boots and abuse haha

#1 Some nice Autumnal colours going on

#2 Getting low

#3 It's a race!

#4 Wooooo

#5 Handling doesn't feel quite right...

#6 Just becoz I like this!!!!!!!

Only 6 this time, keeping it short. Appreciate any comments, defintely wants to do wider stuff but finding the right location to do it isn't easy. Respect to the rally togs though, you only get 1 chance to nail the shot of the car you want.

Few more online here -

Number two is brilliant for me. Really shows the freedom of shooting in a forest. Try doing that at circuit.

Number one is nice but would have liked a bit more blur on the wheels
Hi Az,
Could not make this years Tempest,and I know you are a bit rally starved down your way hence you have to do the boring roundy ,roundy stuff:LOL:,but glad you appreciate the problems rally togs can get ,and pressure to get the shot off .

I do like 6,pin sharp,great looking car.
Personally I would have shot that vertically showing trees and sky and possibly bit of track.
1 is nice ,but would have worked better more from the front for me.
Rear needs slower shutter speed ,wheel motion and gravel I reckon .

Rest are well taken ,but not my cup of tea.

Always good to see your work,
Nice shots. Not much sense of motion, but I still like them.

Where abouts were you? I need to get me to that jump next year :)
Cheers for looking/commenting chaps.

Agree #1 could do with more motion. Nice colours etc but needs bit more action.

I wasn't really that happy with my locations but yes I probably could have got a bit more scenery in there or done a few verticals to mix it up a bit.

I'm gonna try and get a 70-200 2.8 again, think that'll help in the lower light.

Already looking forward to the Sunseeker, that should be really good next year... fingers crossed I stumble on a few decent locations :)