Spare Canon 840 lens case key

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Does anyone have a spare Canon 840 telephoto lens case key they would be willing to sell. Alternatively has anyone tried making a successful copy of the key and if so, would you be willing to sell me that.




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Pop down your nearest shop that sells suitcases and try a few. Thats a very simple key (assuming you have the lock) Failing that most key cutters can probably cut a key from a blank.
Pop down your nearest shop that sells suitcases and try a few. Thats a very simple key (assuming you have the lock) Failing that most key cutters can probably cut a key from a blank.

Many branches of Sainsbury's have a Timpsons attached - they could probably help you.
Looks similar to one of our double glazing window keys but the longwise notch is on the wrong side.

At a quick glance, one of the SA types would be the blank.
Would be more helpful with the link I forgot to add last night!!!

I'm assuming you need the key to keep your two-year-old from putting their sticky fingers on your lens? It wouldn't stop anyone else as the lock could be opened with a paper clip.

If someone wants to steal it, they'll take the whole thing . . . :thinking:
I was thinking more that it's to stop the case flying open while being carried and depositing an expensive chunk onto the floor from a couple of feet height!
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Aha! That makes sense, I didn't think of that . . . :rolleyes:
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