
Edit My Images
Apologies for the bad title.

Assuming this is a Jumping Spider. I only say that as it has 4 eyes and every photo I have seen of a spider with 4 eyes the title says it's a Jumper.

I was chuffed to bits to actually capture an image where I could see the eyes and they are in focus.

Yesterday I tried mooching around the garden for an hour or so and ended up with a stiff neck for my troubles plus a hand full of bobbins photos.

These macro photos are really hard to achieve I have no idea how you manage to focus with hardly any light getting into the view finder.

I am using a Canon 6d with a reversing ring plus 28mm lens. In the garden yesterday using just ambient.

I had no intention of trying again today.

That said I went to the loo earlier (to much info) glanced into the wash hand basin and this spider were crawling about.

So I tried to photograph it as it couldn't escape but it sure did give me the run around. Never jumped though !!!

Anyways at some point I thought I would attach my speedlight. I bounced it off to the upper right hand side and managed to get this photo. Shame I could not have got the front bits in focus. Double shame it was not outdoors but hey I was pleased to get an image and it was where I found I him/her.

Sorry for the waffle.

Any feedback advice is more than welcomed.


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I like it , the eyes are the most important part , if they are soft the image is lost . I can only suggest you use more depth of field , or focus stacking which I have next to no knowledge of , but know a lot of Macro photographers are using .
Thats deff a Jumping spider, common name is a Zebra jumper and it`s other name is Salticus sp, sp because we can`t see a view from the top to clarify the species.
Great shot and they have 8 eye`s btw, The view you have captured is a common one and it looks like its looking up at you with those BIG puppy eye`s.
Fascinating creatures and there are other types but Salticus is the most popular in the UK.
I like it , the eyes are the most important part , if they are soft the image is lost . I can only suggest you use more depth of field , or focus stacking which I have next to no knowledge of , but know a lot of Macro photographers are using .

Thanks for the feedback.
From what I have read this morning I think focus stacking is not going to be an option with the reversing ring and 28mm.
Seems like it is one of the harder more frustrating ways to attempt macro. Which I can well believe.

I am just going to count myself very lucky in capturing this image.

Thats deff a Jumping spider, common name is a Zebra jumper and it`s other name is Salticus sp, sp because we can`t see a view from the top to clarify the species.
Great shot and they have 8 eye`s btw, The view you have captured is a common one and it looks like its looking up at you with those BIG puppy eye`s.
Fascinating creatures and there are other types but Salticus is the most popular in the UK.
Hi Graham

Thanks for the info and taking the time to give some feedback.

I just looked at your Flickr stream and can see they have 8 eyes "lovely shots on there" I would never have known.

Thanks again.

The 2 large frontal eyes are for watching for their prey and the others are more for movement all around them.
There is one specie of jumper that thinks strategy when it finds its prey, it works out the best possible position to attack from. These are super creatures and most are curious of us o00o
Hi Graham

Thanks for the info and taking the time to give some feedback.

I just looked at your Flickr stream and can see they have 8 eyes "lovely shots on there" I would never have known.

Thanks again.
