Spiders courting and others

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Surprisingly I have not seen this before despite the number of wolf spiders
Pardosa species in the garden courting

EF7A2932WolfSpidersv2 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Pseudoscorpion from the garden on a piece of wood, The real size is 1.42 mm, magnification is 3.78

IMG_8821Pseudoscorpionv2 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Andrena nitida?

EF7A2814Beev2 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Female Melanostoma mellinum

EF7A2800Hoverflyv2 by davholla2002, on Flickr

V. vulgaris I think.

EF7A2885Waspv2 by davholla2002, on Flickr

I see so few butterflies that I was pleased to see this

EF7A2799Butterflyv2 by davholla2002, on Flickr
Nice set David I like the Psurdoscorpion the most. I have spider courtship somiliar to that .
Nice set David I like the Psurdoscorpion the most. I have spider courtship somiliar to that .
Thank you, pseudoscorpions are beautiful creatures. If I had a big garden I would have 100s of pieces of wood to make sure I can find one every time I go out.
Have either of you ever tried looking under pieces of wood - Pseudoscorpions are often there - they have been seen everywhere in the UK.
Have either of you ever tried looking under pieces of wood - Pseudoscorpions are often there - they have been seen everywhere in the UK.

I look under bits of wood but not for a month or so now