Stacking. 13 image.

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Have you tried method B with a larger radius, say 30?
Have you tried method C?
I quite often combine B28,4 (helps reduce halos on the outside of petals) with C4 (better detail for inside surfaces and reduced halos on overlaps between inner surfaces).
I will try that cheers.
I quite often combine B28,4 (helps reduce halos on the outside of petals) with C4 (better detail for inside surfaces and reduced halos on overlaps between inner surfaces).

Good experiment. That is what I would expect to see.

1862 1 NOT MY IMAGE - Andrew Wright, flower stacks - Compare Method B and C
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

That is why with flowers etc I very often use B28,4 as the base and then paint on to it from C4 to improve the look of it inside the outline of the flower.

Method A produces very soft images. The only time I use it, and I haven't for some time now, is when I've had a really rough background with both Methods B and C, in which case I've used method A as the base and painted from Method C.

I occasionally paint from individual source images where there is something in focus that I want out of focus, but that too is pretty rare.
Good experiment. That is what I would expect to see.

1862 1 NOT MY IMAGE - Andrew Wright, flower stacks - Compare Method B and C
by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

That is why with flowers etc I very often use B28,4 as the base and then paint on to it from C4 to improve the look of it inside the outline of the flower.

Method A produces very soft images. The only time I use it, and I haven't for some time now, is when I've had a really rough background with both Methods B and C, in which case I've used method A as the base and painted from Method C.

I occasionally paint from individual source images where there is something in focus that I want out of focus, but that too is pretty rare.

When I noticed the halo on the inner petals (method C), I decided to try stacking the three stacks using method B, I think the image was a bit better by doing that. It has been nice sitting down and having a play, work and problems at work caused by COVID has got in the way of a lot of my leisure time this year. photography has taken a hammering.
When I noticed the halo on the inner petals (method C), I decided to try stacking the three stacks using method B, I think the image was a bit better by doing that. It has been nice sitting down and having a play, work and problems at work caused by COVID has got in the way of a lot of my leisure time this year. photography has taken a hammering.

I'm sorry to hear about the Covid-related problems getting in the way.

So you used Helicon to stack the stacks. I have never tried that. I paint from one stack onto another. I see an experiment or two coming up. :)
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I'm sorry to hear about the Covid-related problems getting in the way.

So you used Helicon to stack the stacks. I have never tried that. I paint from one stack onto another. I see an experiment or two coming up. :)
It’s the first time I have tried it.:). love experimenting when I have the time, very relaxing. Three years to retirement:).