Starter darkroom kits

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I was on the net a couple of months ago looking at a black and white developing starter kit, which contained most of the things I need to try developing at home. The only problem is that now I can't find it again!
Does anybody have any idea where I might have found it?
A "One stop shop" approach would be welcome here too...

There seems to be a hardware kit here, but if there were somewhere that did a starter kit for the chemistry as well from somewhere... Or failing that a simple hit list from the chemistry here!
I found this link when I was looking, but it isn't the kit I found before. I don't really fancy buying this kit as most of the equipment is stuff that I either have or can easily be replicated with things I have - I have a thermometer and measuring cylinders, I can substitute stirring paddle, film clips and can openers for other things.

The kit I found had a changing bag, a tank with spiral(maybe even 2?) film clips, thermometer, a squeegee for removing water plus a couple of other bits and pieces. It would mean that all I would need is the chemicals.
Oh well maybe I will buy separately if I can't find the link anymore.
