Steatoda bipunctata, Lithobius forficatus, and a Peribaodes rhomnoidaria

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I love photographing spiders even false widows... :) - this one is a rabbit-hutch spider - Steatoda bipunctata. Often seen indoors and in animal pens, garages, sheds, etc. Loves eating woodlice!

Then there is one of my pet hates - Lithobius forficatus, most commonly known as the garden centipede, brown centipede or stone centipede, a common centipede of the family Lithobiidae. This was a small one - they can take 3 years and go through many moults before reaching full size.

Third up is a willow beauty, Peribatodes rhomnoidaria, a moth from the family Geomatidae. They rest by day on tree trunks (you can see why) but I disturbed this one when trimming branches off our apple tree. They feed on creeping thistle and ragwort, and are readily attracted to light.




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Nice set Paul.
Spiders are a pretty rare sight here the last few months, well this year TBH. I've got a small amount of jumpers,
but virtually no web builders.
Nice set Paul.
Spiders are a pretty rare sight here the last few months, well this year TBH. I've got a small amount of jumpers,
but virtually no web builders.

These spiders don't really make a web, they just string around some strands of their sticky silk in a haphazard fashion, but it is a good trap they build.

Nice set Paul.
Spiders are a pretty rare sight here the last few months, well this year TBH. I've got a small amount of jumpers,
but virtually no web builders.

I agree, hardly and spiders, a few orb weavers but that's about it, my garden would usually be swamped with harvestman and crane flies by now, but nowt.
Super set Paul ;)
my garden would usually be swamped with harvestman and crane flies by now, but nowt.
Not so much the harvest men, I don't tend to get them, but I agree about the craneflies normally they are popping up in their dozens on a regular basis by now.
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Maybe it's climate change that is affecting our insects...
I suspect that a lot have died in the recent unseasonably deluges, that have been affecting a lot of the country.
Very nice set of macro/close up style captures Paul.
Nice set Paul.
Spiders are a pretty rare sight here the last few months, well this year TBH. I've got a small amount of jumpers,
but virtually no web builders.

I agree, hardly and spiders, a few orb weavers but that's about it, my garden would usually be swamped with harvestman and crane flies by now, but nowt.

Super set Paul ;)

Very nice set of macro/close up style captures Paul.

Thanks all :)

Sorry Paul. It is a very nice set, got a bit side tracked there.