
Edit My Images
Should probably post these in the 'Show us......' thread. But meh!


Stourhead gardens. Lovely place. Shot a whole 4 frames of velvia and a whole 4 frames of mono! Sitting on the velvia til I have a decent quantity to send off!




Thoughts always appreciated.

Why should your opinion be worth less than mine? ;)
I really like your 5x4 stuff ~thinks yet again about getting one~ :thinking:

The first one is great and so is the 3rd one, however the 2nd one looks a little odd to me. :cautious:

The bottom part of the image has rich tomes in it, yet towards the uper half the tones of trees seem to blend into the sky. It make it look like a really old print image. :shrug:
I have to be honest- when I first saw these, I didn't like em too much.


then I looked again, and they are AMAZING!

me likes no.2 best, the sharpness up front. and the way the trees on the other side of the river look- brilliant! very pictorial (a compliment!)
also, do you know anything about the building in photo1? I have to design something like that for coursework that I am doing right now! would be a great help!
I really like your 5x4 stuff ~thinks yet again about getting one~ :thinking:

The first one is great and so is the 3rd one, however the 2nd one looks a little odd to me. :cautious:

The bottom part of the image has rich tomes in it, yet towards the uper half the tones of trees seem to blend into the sky. It make it look like a really old print image. :shrug:

How come when i do reflections its flat and boring , yet this one is great? sometimes people make me laugh on tp :cautious:

Not saying i don't like the third one though , first one is nice with that bright building against the darker landscape
I really like your 5x4 stuff ~thinks yet again about getting one~ :thinking:

The first one is great and so is the 3rd one, however the 2nd one looks a little odd to me. :cautious:

The bottom part of the image has rich tomes in it, yet towards the uper half the tones of trees seem to blend into the sky. It make it look like a really old print image. :shrug:

Do it, it's immense fun (of sorts) and can be done quite cheaply, well, as cheaply as about a quid a shot all in!

See my next thread with regards to the image you find a bit kooky. All will be revealed (along with the perils of LF photography!)

also, do you know anything about the building in photo1? I have to design something like that for coursework that I am doing right now! would be a great help!

It's called the Temple of Flora, Alek. Have a read HERE and find out all about it. Plenty of other info dotted around the net also about Stourhead in general.

How come when i do reflections its flat and boring , yet this one is great? sometimes people make me laugh on tp :cautious:

Not saying i don't like the third one though , first one is nice with that bright building against the darker landscape

*shrugs* Sorry Neil! I wouldn't say my shot was particuarly worse or better than yours. Just a different method I guess. You can please all of the people some of the time etc etc etc........