Sunday sunrise

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Don't usually post images as I'm trying to get a little better before I do (so many good pics on here to learn from). But i took this on Sunday morning and thought it wasn't too bad. Any comments on improvements would be welcome.

wedge sunrise 05-01-14.jpg
by wolfyccfc, on Flickr
Some great colours there (y)

Personally I would have maybe swapped the amount of foreground for sky and visa versa :)
Good shot Martin, great colour. I have to agree with Phil regarding the foreground, whilst I can see the attraction with the red in the lying water the sky really is the star here and you should show it too its fullest


Don't usually post images as I'm trying to get a little better before I do (so many good pics on here to learn from). But i took this on Sunday morning and thought it wasn't too bad. Any comments on improvements would be welcome.

wedge sunrise 05-01-14.jpg
by wolfyccfc, on Flickr
Thanks for the comments guys appreciate you taking the time. Will take the comments on board when I next go out.
I think given the phenomenal sky, I would have been tempted to capitalize on it a bit more, giving preference to that than the FG as it has no real light on it, other than the reflections in the puddles.
Same as whats already been said, it the sky thats the main feature in this image so should have been split the other way. You could still have got the reflections by getting lower
The colours are fabulous, and it's nice that the grass is delicate at the same time as the sky being so strong. Composition-wise there's too many things fighting to be the subject: the tree, the reflection and the sky. You could combine any 2 of them with careful arrangement and have it work, but not all 3 without a strong set of lines to guide the eye through the picture.
Thanks for the comments. I was trying to find Shot with some foreground and mid ground and also pick up the cracking sky. Will take your comments on board
Did you just take the one shot, it looks like the colours would have been there for a while. Its always good to try different ratios between foreground and sky when its like that.
It was a lovely mackerel sky, shame I only had my phone.

As said more sky less FG..
I took a good few on Sunday morning - no hint of it happening and then suddenly it was there for a about 10 minutes
Did you just take the one shot, it looks like the colours would have been there for a while. Its always good to try different ratios between foreground and sky when its like that.
I took a couple from this viewpoint but only played around with the exposure not the frame. I took another from a different area 10-15 mins later and the sky was a lot more golden than red. I'll take your point on board(and all other poster comments) though and take different ratios of sky and land in the future. Thanks for posting.
Lovely sky I would like to have seen more of that and a bit less of the foreground