Sweetcorn grub

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I made the mistake of releasing this - I should have tried to rear it, found on sweetcorn from Sainsburys
IMG_4694Grubsweetcorn by davholla2002, on Flickr

IMG_4724Grasshopper by davholla2002, on Flickr

Not my greatest photo ever but there was an interesting coincidence. Shortly after this I had my first ever swollen eye migraine which is called oedema
This is called Oedemera nobilis - a similar name for a similar reason
IMG_4625Beetlev2 by davholla2002, on Flickr

This is more interesting when you realized I think that in over 10 years IIRC it is the first ever caterpillar I have seen on a whitecurrant bush.

IMG_4649Caterpillarv2 by davholla2002, on Flickr

With this photos I used as others have suggested f14

IMG_4866Bee by davholla2002, on Flickr
Nice set Dave, great detail on the Bee(y)
I think the caterpillars came out well.

Sorry to hear about the migraine. Migraines are horrible, and swollen eye migraine sounds particularly unpleasant. Hope it doesn't recur.
Thank you, sadly it did reoccur. The only good thing was that I had an experience similar to seeing the northern lights but going from ground to sky - it was not worth the pain.
I think the grasshoppers looks better on flickr that is so annoying.