Test Shots with Ring Flash

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After a few pieces of gear arrived this week, not all at once, I've been able to test my table top set up. I tried my Yongnuo YN560 fitted with a soft box attached to the Flexi arm but found it a little too cumbersome.
I had a look for a few cheap and cheerful Ring Flash that had a tripod bush, and after seeking help the other day, 18 or 48 LED's, I ordered one with 48 LED's. When it arrived there wasn't a tripod bush so returned it and ordered the other one which arrived this morning. 18 LED's with tripod bush, perfect.

Camera Flash Set Up 3.jpg

I took few test shots with all three extension tubes on, but then removed the 12mm as I was struggling a little getting the Ring Light from above in the right position
with the lens being so close to the flower.
With Diffuser in place I then took eleven shots, although the first one was without flash and sadly I had a little camera shake (Should have used the IR remote!)

F4 @ 100

1 F4 100 No Flash.jpg

All other images were taken at F8 @ 100 sec...

Side by side, all images on the left are taken with the Ring Flash attached to the Flexi Arm and above the flower. With the Ring Flash attached to the lens on the right.
The top two images were taken in "Light" mode, all 18 LED's permanently on at full power. Power settings being 00 +1 +2 and +3...You can also set the flash to minus
but I didn't try that yet. All images are straight from the camera...

Light Full Power (+3)

Light Full Power 03 From Above Left On Lens Right.jpg

Power 00

RL Flash Above Left RL Lens Right Power 00 F8 100.jpg

Power +1

RL Flash Above Left RL Lens Right Power 01 F8 100.jpg

Power +2

RL Flash Above Left RL Lens Right Power 02 F8 100.jpg

Power +3

RL Flash Above Left RL Lens Right Power 03 F8 100.jpg

I don't pretend to know what I'm doing :giggle: so any comments are most welcome.
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better to have it something like this


Above flash gun on the right out of shot

If I were you and really wanted to use a ring light I would have it at a angle to give detail. There is no shadows in your shot to show this. Have to be honest here and think you would do better just with a remote flashgun and not so close to allow more DOF


nothing stopping you cropping in afterwards texture still good

o am I to suggest how people want their photos to appear
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If I were you and really wanted to use a ring light I would have it at a angle to give detail. There is no shadows in your shot to show this. Have to be honest here and think you would do better just with a remote flashgun and not so close to allow more DOF

Understood and appreciated Bazza, testing the ring flash from above was more to see how it compared to straight on lighting for macro. As well as being able to move the light side on,
which I haven't tried yet. I also thought this set up might be a little easier hand held. I have a remote trigger for the 560 IV, and have been playing with that set to one side on other subjects.

I noticed even on full power there was more detail with the light above in some areas, as highlighted by this leaf.

RL Flash Above Left RL Lens Right Power 03 F8 100 SL.jpg
It is down to a question of trial and error. Once you find how you want to light a subject it becomes a lot easier. I hate to even guess how many light directions I tried before I found one I was happy with, even then depends on what I am photographing and still get it wrong. You can get too close so it doesn't work as you hoped
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It is down to a question of trial and error. Once you find how you want to light a subject it becomes a lot easier. I hate to even guess how many light directions I tried before I found one I was happy with, even then depends on what I am photographing and still get it wrong. You can get too close so it doesn't work as you hoped

Appreciated again Bazza. One of the reasons I liked the idea of a Flexi arm, was attaching a clip to hold either a small diffuser or reflector. I think I have a lot of trial and error to come:giggle: