Testing the 99p lens!

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As some of you know, I won a 135mm 2.8 Hoya Minolta MD lens on eBay a couple of weeks ago!

Bought an adapter for a couple of pound (with glass) to test it and it works great! Such a beautiful lens, think I have found my favorite! :D

(The test subject is my MK2 Golf)

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My Golf by Raven Photography by Jenna Goodwin, on Flickr
Nice enough shot- the road sign does distract the eye a tad, may I also suggest a Polarising filter, which would eliminate the reflections in the car's windscreen, if you intend to shoot the car again

Les (y)
No excuse :LOL::LOL::LOL:

the edit looks a lot better to me

Les (y)
I like it. I have commented on flickr.
If I can offer a slightly different opinion .......
I don't mind the road sign,gives the speed bump a little more context.....I'd be more inclined to crop the foreground and lose some of the crud
Not sure about the lights and the discoloured trees have given this a 'hazy' look to it imo :thinking:
Thought about replacing the reg numbers with your watermark, a variation of it at least ?
Definitely a 99p bargain!
Nice photo and good composition for me.
Sorry for the stupid question, but can you share some more info about this lens.

What adapter they need to work with Canon EOS ?
and is this mean that they are only manual focus?

For 99p what more could you want, its cheaper than Poundland..:D
99p is a great deal, was that inclusive of shipping :) hahahaha
99p! Saw you coming:D

Nice shot and I too like the sign in as well(y)

I can 'sort' of do better than 99p though recently 'borrowed' a Tamron 28mm adaptall lens off my other halfs Dad,thing is it might be a 'permanent borrowing' though:LOL:
Nah, 99p plus £4 postage :O lol.

Using this lens means everything is manual, aperture is on the lens, shutter speed and ISO are manual, as is the focus. I use the in camera light meter, which works well enough for me.

Takes a while to get used to but it is so worth it, fantastic glass and you have to stop and think about every single picture. I used to go out and fire off hundreds of shots (literally), now I come back with 20+ maybe and keep the majority of them.

Using a manual lens has completely changed my photography and I love them.

It's like film without the cost! :D

As for Canon adapters, I know people use them on Canon but I haven't got a clue I'm afraid, I use Sony Alpha, maybe someone here can help? Or have a scan on eBay?
Very nice. Used to have a MK2 Golf 16 valve in Oak Green. Lovely car. (y)
For 99p how can you go wrong really?

Looks like you picked up a fantastic bargin. I got a similar lens off of ebay for around £70 a while ago, one of the 15-blade Pentacon 135mms. Absolutely smashing picture quality!
Does that adapter have glass in it? It's come up very sharp indeed. I presume this was at f2.8? Generally these lenses tend to be a bit dreamy wide open, it can be a great effect but it can also be incredibly distracting! My Minolta 45mm F2 does it as well, but as soon as it's stopped down it's a really sharp lens! (cheap too, but not 99p cheap!)