The Fox and the Rabbit

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Back at the fox *** I have found recently. Trying not to push it by getting too close just yet, thus with the 300mm I am struggling with decent shots. This fox (not sure if its a parent or not) came back with a rabbit for lunch for the 4 cubs. Just prior to entering the *** he/she spotted this other rabbit, there was a stand off for a minute where the rabbit in the foreground didn't move a muscle! before the fox entered the *** with lunch! It was great to witness however I realise the shot hasn't come out that great due to a heavy crop. Anyway I appreciate your comments. Thanks for looking.

That is such a great shot, you cant have me your mouths full.

Is this in your garden or near by, do the foxes have a rather set path and time.
Could you get closer set up and wait?
i think its a great capture... i bet your just itching for that fox to come back....
The fox looks as though it is seriously thinking of going after the second rabbit.