The Hatred...

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There are a few insects that I don't particularly like to touch or have run toward me... Centipedes close to the top of this list! But they are fascinating to see up close, but their hard shell is highly reflective so some post production is always required to tone down the flash (or sometimes!) sunlight...

The sequence from hatred, to real hatred!!!




I think they are sweet. Centipedes have mostly one pair of legs per segment and millipedes mostly have two, just thought you'd like to know that.
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I think they are sweet. Centipedes have mostly one pair of legs per segment and millipedes mostly have two, just thought you'd like to know that.

I knew it... They are too bloody quick regardless of how many!

Know what you mean I really don’t want to come across one of those giant centipedes especially creepy
These are superb the second and last ones especially
Excellent photographs Paul. A lot of people dislike centipedes, but I don't think any of the native species in the UK are dangerous.

Just as a point of interest, insects and centipedes are both arthropods but belong to different classes.
Excellent photographs Paul. A lot of people dislike centipedes, but I don't think any of the native species in the UK are dangerous.

Just as a point of interest, insects and centipedes are both arthropods but belong to different classes.
wow thats amazing Paul Brilliant macro

Thank you gents :)

I think they are sweet. Centipedes have mostly one pair of legs per segment and millipedes mostly have two, just thought you'd like to know that.
Also centipedes are predators of smaller invertebrates whereas millipedes are detritivores, which explains the reason centipedes are really fast and millipedes slow
Also centipedes are predators of smaller invertebrates whereas millipedes are detritivores, which explains the reason centipedes are really fast and millipedes slow

True, but some of the very large centipedes will take vertebrate prey (lizards, small snakes, mice, birds etc) too.
How do you all feel about scorpions? I find centipedes a bit creepy but scorpions are interesting.
I did photograph scorpions (but at a pet shop my relatives own)...



Good photograph, but I don't know if I'd really want one as a pet! I have spent a fair amount of time searching for them with a UV torch (they fluoresce under UV) at night though. Do you know what type this is? The angle makes it a bit tricky but, as a rule, the ones with large pincers and thin tails/stings aren't dangerous, the ones that are built the other way round are!
Spiders OK, but scorpions? Ew. They can get you two ways (pincers and sting) and that's just creepy. They are fascinating though as their history goes back over 400 million years; I'll bet there were some giants in the past.
I'm a glutton for punishment, all these pictures of spiders and centipedes make me shudder but they are so good I can't stop opening these posts!
I'm a glutton for punishment, all these pictures of spiders and centipedes make me shudder but they are so good I can't stop opening these posts!

It's an amazingly different world to what we normally see isn't it?

It's an amazingly different world to what we normally see isn't it?
Incredibly fascinating! I don't seem to see many types of spider, (well I don't go looking for them to be honest!), so seeing the pictures of different varieties is great.