TheImageFile - gone very quiet?

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I've been going through a bit of a photography funk for the last couple of years, but finally - hopefully - seem to be coming out the other end of it. I thought I'd have a look at my TheImageFile hosted website and realised it needed a complete refresh - very out of date, old images, etc.

When I logged into TIF back end, a couple of things caught my attention. They used to be really good for providing functionality updates and newsletters but those seem to have vanished completely from their website. Digging further, their social media content dates back to 2022 and there just doesn't seem to be a lot of new stuff (templates, content, etc) on the site.

Second thing was a warning about them removing Wordpress blogs from last summer - the blogs due to be removed from October 2023 I think. Only my TIF hosted Wordpress blog still seems to be there. I suspect I misunderstood something about the change they were making, but seemed clear Wordpress would no longer feature but it's still all there.

My site works fine, back end works fine, my direct debits for not a lot of money are still going out so I don't think I've got any reason to worry, but just seemed a bit odd for a company that was winning awards for its content management / template based website business to go so quiet in terms of marketing and publicity for so long! Been a happy customer to date and just wondered if anyone knew what gives?