Thoughts on an Enlarger

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Another equipment question post from me I'm afraid, eep. I've started to gather things to set upa temporary darkroom in my bathroom and have come to the point where I need to think about an enlarger. I've vaguely been offered one on Freecycle but it's not very accessible, and I'm just looking for a few tips and a bit of advice anyway :)

I'm looking to buy a black and white one which preferably does 35mm and 120, it'd be best if it came with all the bits it needs (bulb and lens etc) because I fear I don't know enough to choose the right bits to put together at the moment. I know they can be costly but being a student I'd rather not spend too much, I'm not fussy if it's second hand. Any thoughts or reccomendations please? :D (Or better still, does anyone have one they'd like to sell, but I doubt it's worth asking that :LOL:) I know I could just develop and scan, but it's not the same is it? :D

Many thanks all, I shall start posting properly soon instead of just quizzing you all about equipment, hehe :D
Durst or LPL are both good makes with good build quaility and ease of use. deVere are probably the best but also the most expensive in some terms.
Thank you :) Another (possibly very silly) question, can I print black and white with a colour developer? :)
A color developer is a must if you use variable contrast paper and don`t have Ilford filters.
Are colour enlargers more difficult to use than a B&W with ilford filters, easier, or no different? I've only used a B&W enlarger in college and I'm looking for an enlarger myself.
A colour head enlarger is actually much easier to use for multicontrast papers than a b&w head and box of filters.

Not only do you not have to worry about changing, losing or damaging the filters but you can have any point between grades that you want.

As for a colour "developer", that makes me think of a processing machine, rather than the enlarger. I don't know if this is what you meant slightlyT?

If so, you can load the colour processor with b&w chemistry but unless you're printing in bulk and just want to speed things up a bit, working in trays is much more satisfying. :)
Are colour enlargers more difficult to use than a B&W with ilford filters, easier, or no different? I've only used a B&W enlarger in college and I'm looking for an enlarger myself.

I have only used a colour head enlarger, not one with filters.

For multigrade, you just look at the table included with the paper, decide which grade you want and set the yellow and magenta controls to those settings.

I think it is probably easier than filters in a tray.

I did mean enlarger, apologies, and many thanks for your help :D I'm kicking myself now because I saw a reduced colour enlarger in Jessops a couple of weeks back and didn't buy it because I assumed I'd need a black and white one, I might have to phone up though I expect it's gone...
Usually, B&W heads are condenser heads, whilst Colour are some form of diffuser box.

Condenser heads are reputed to be 'sharper' but will show any dust mercilessly, whilst diffuser heads are more forgiving.
I may have an enlarger in my attic that i no longer use. will have to double check i haven't already given it away as it has been there some time but if you want it it can be yours for the price of postage. I'm not sure of make or model, will have a look for it later and try and let you know
i do have it but its at my grandparents in their attic at the mo so i will go have a look at it tomorrow if you are intersted, i believe there are also some developing trays and other bits and bobs too. let me know
Oh I'd definitely be interested! Please do let me know how much postage would be etc if you're sure it's alright to have :)
here is what I have.........

DURST C65 colour enlarger
dish warmer (big enough for three dishes)
2 packs of photo paper (1 has been opened the other not. so 100 definately unused)
conact proof printer
3 dishes
couple of jugs and measurers
two tongues
various other odds and ends

see the photos for more details! I believe the enlarger needs a new bulb. PM me if of any use to you







I know you probably have this sorted but a few colleges will have enlargers knocking around in stores, always worth an ask.
My tutor recently offered a few off our course some... free. None of us took him up on the offer though, i don't have room, time or inclination for film