Tiny spider

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Possibly a juvenile running crab but about the size of a money spider.
Playing with a trial of Affinity photo, using the focus merging feature. First batch processed the RAWs in PS and stacked with affinity then run through denoise ai.

Finding the Affinity focus merge is a lot better than PS, getting less misalignments and stacking artefacts.

Very nice Ryan :)

As you probably know, PS does a lot of things very well but as you say, its terrible at stacking / aligning.
I started using affinity on recommendations from here a few years ago, and at the sale price ( at present)
of £23.99 its well worth it, just for that. The rest of the tools, a bit of a clone of PS ( for anyone that isn't aware) are quite good too. (y)
Nicely done Ryan ;)
Tiny and in the garden are how and where I like spiders :D

Other than that... Outstanding Ryan :D
Affinity does seem to get good reviews on the stacking, nice looking spider
Very nice Ryan :)

As you probably know, PS does a lot of things very well but as you say, its terrible at stacking / aligning.
I started using affinity on recommendations from here a few years ago, and at the sale price ( at present)
of £23.99 its well worth it, just for that. The rest of the tools, a bit of a clone of PS ( for anyone that isn't aware) are quite good too. (y)
Nicely done Ryan ;)
Tiny and in the garden are how and where I like spiders :D

Other than that... Outstanding Ryan :D
Many thanks all, I think Affinity will be joining my permanent tool box of goodies. For stacking It's waay better than PS and Combine ZP which I have dabbled with in the past. Now to see if that sale is still on tomorrow when I get paid...
That’s superb beautiful light and colours
I also use affinity to stack, I used to do it by hand because photoshop stacking never worked for me but affinity is great
Amazing. To capture a great spider image is very clever let alone have one in such lovely surroundings.
