To Crop or Not to Crop that is the Question

James Foad
Edit My Images
Hi All,
I am planning on entering one of my images for the wildlife photographer and Bird Photographer of the Year 2018, what I would like to know is the extend to which an image can be cropped?
If you are cropping for compositional reasons and the cropped area produced meets their submission requirements (for dimensional size and file size) surely it does not matter how much you have cropped it???

PS have you got a link to that specific 'competition'?
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These are the uncropped and cropped versions


  • Gannets fighting over a fish.jpg
    Gannets fighting over a fish.jpg
    499 KB · Views: 120
  • Gannet dispute over fish cropped.jpg
    Gannet dispute over fish cropped.jpg
    412.3 KB · Views: 121
The crop has resulted in a poor quality image... What is wrong with the uncropped?
I actually like both versions but prefer the cropped which I have had use a much smaller resolution and image on here which may have caused the lack in the image quality. but thank you for pointing this out Phil
I prefer the uncropped, it provides more context.

Lots of people love the 'you can see the details in the feather' closeness but I prefer context, especially if it is relevant to the situation.
I like the crop top. Bothnare great, but the uncropped takes me a moment to sort out what's going on with the bodies, and so loses its impact for me a little. Both amazing shots though.
If you want to win, use the original. It tells the story & shows the context better.
I'm not a fan of the cropped version imo...honestly I would leave it how it is. It tells more of the story.
have you thought about a crop in between these 2 images - say, bring it in but still keeping the top bird's right wing complete; it may show more of what you want whilst keeping some context (?). just a thought, but I prefer un-cropped out of these two.
Uncropped for me too, it gives more context