Today's Mini Beast Safari

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Female Scorpion Fly


Green Dock Beetles


Solider Beetle - not sure which one as there are several similarly coloured beetles...


I see you're having a darn good time, Geoff! :cool:
Thanks Kodiak, yes I like this time of year, the bugs are out, the evening are long which means I can go out about 5pm and still have a few hours to hunt the bugs...
And its a productive time to, Some excellent shots here and my fav is the Scorpion fly.
Thanks Graham and Ryan.

The first time I saw a male scorpion fly I had no idea what it was - so just called it a pinocchio fly as it had that big long beak thing....

When I'm out bug hunting I almost always get asked what I'm looking for, as I'm usually looking at leaves or under them or crawling about in the undergrowth - most people are usually fascinated by the things I point out to them - either that or they thing I'm a bit of a nutter....
Nice set I saw my first scorpion flies recently too.
I was asked what I was photographing the other day.