
well - not sure what it's been submitted for - as a stand alone macro record shot, it's "good enough" in that the item itself is all in focus, and you've done pretty well in avoiding too many involuntary selfies in the reflective parts (though looking on flickr I can see a couple of hints...

Screenshot 2023-05-14 174643.jpg

but really, if I'm being honest, what really kind of lets it down is the lighting. The shadow is intrusive without being tightly defined - not sure if you used on-camera flash, but to be honest, it's a static object, no need for flash to "stop the action" - Personally, i'd have setup in front of a large window on a light but not specifically sunny day - and use some diffusion at the window - could be as simple as old fashioned net curtains, or my favourite low tech bodge - a translucent white shower curtain hung over the normal curtain rail... Stick the Camera on a tripod, cable or wireless remote release, AP at an optimal f/stop for your lens in terms of desired DOF without getting into diffraction losses, frame it all up, get well out of reflection's way and hit the button.

Might have avoided needing to do the edit that required that awful harsh transition from sharp to blurred as well...

Screenshot 2023-05-14 180040.jpg

sorry if this comes over rather harsh - but macro and close up by definition is all about the detail, and those details screamed out at me - and, if this is for submission into a competition of some sort, I'm sure it would to any judge worthy of the title.

I DO like the way the image echo's the outline of a bike - especially as I've ridden many a bike with a back wheel that needed attention like that one...