weekly Tony's 52'S Nikon J1 challenge Week 3 "sweet"

Tony Jarvis
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Well hi everyone :wave:, to push myself even more and get out with the camera more I thought I do the 52 one as well as the 366. Maybe I use my camera more so here is my Week 1 "Direction"
Points you in the correct direction only if needed.....
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Thanks Rolyratman but This is what I need to get me out with the camera and think a bit more about my photography..........
Definite link to the direction theme. I have to ask what was this off? I'm guessing it comes from an aircraft of some sort given your avatar.
I was also going to ask what the sign was from! Looks industrial :)

A good start.

How is the J1 in use? I held one in John Lewis and pretty much fell in love!

Good luck with your project.
Hi thanks everyone for the feedback.....
To answer a few question..
Delta Skies, norters, danhardwick
Some old aircraft ex Ex Royal Australian Air Force Hawker Siddeley HS-748


Norters The J1 is a fantastic little camera well worth buying.... just look at my moon shots from the camera in my 366 challenge.... well pleased in what it can do.
I am trying something new here please let me know what you think.........

A great shot, full of fun and colour. Possibly slightly missed the focus on the tops of the eggs, but my laptop monitor sucks so maybe not, and caouldnt find anything else wrong, hehe.

A great addition to the challenge.

P.S. I'm homing those sweets didnt go to waste, send em my way if you dont want 'em.
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Hello Tony,

I like your Direction image a lot. Do you have a colour version too? I'm just curious to see what it would look like, that's all.

Fear - Now that's funny! :LOL: Very original. I like it!
Nathalie Thanks will have a look for the colour and post it up in the week.
(y) love the setup
Great capture for fear, really made me smile. Great use of DoF, I do hope you didn't waste the fallen Creme Egg :p
direction is a great shot! And fear I love the only thing for me is the focus that snipet mentioned
other than that some awesome interpretation of the themes

Good luck with the other 50 weeks

Hi Tony, I really like fear; very original! Only thing is I'm not getting what the little sweets on the ground represent (are they eating the egg?), and why they're stretching out the wrapper? Probably me being thick!
Agree with the focus comments but what a wonderful and clever idea, the DOF is spot on and I like the POV.

Look forward to catching more from you :)
Hi Tony, I really like fear; very original! Only thing is I'm not getting what the little sweets on the ground represent (are they eating the egg?), and why they're stretching out the wrapper? Probably me being thick!

They look like jelly babies! I never thought they were so sinister :puke:

Good shot :D
Hi Tony, I really like fear; very original! Only thing is I'm not getting what the little sweets on the ground represent (are they eating the egg?), and why they're stretching out the wrapper? Probably me being thick!

The sweets on the ground are jelly babys and there trying to catch the jumping eggs with the wrapper of the splat egg
Direction : Clear and fits the theme perfectly, the mono and grain suit

Fear : Clever, colourful and made me smile... fits the theme well... I like it
Here is my take on sigh....
My sigh after spend 2 hours trying to get him sleep while he is ill...
Sigh - Before you know it you'll be up for 2 hours waiting for him to come home from the pub :LOL:

Sweet - I like the idea. I'd have liked a bit more light overall but do like the fact there's more on the heads than the bodies.

Sorry to hear you're having to pull out.