Tough assignment

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I was asked to take a few shots for a neighbour yesterday.

They are currently looking after their parent's dog while they are on holiday and because I've taken some photos of their own dog in the past that they've loved, they asked if I could do the same for their parents so they can surprise them with a print or two.

Their parents 'can never get a good photo' of them and I know that black pets are often a real struggle for people so I stepped in to try my hand.

I had about 40 minutes before work to get to know the dog and try to get some usable shots. I was really nervous as the light wasn't great and I'd never taken shots of a jet black pet before.

Luckily the Animal Eye Autofocus held up well and I got some shots to work with. I genuinely thought it wouldn't find the eye against the black coat but it did so more often than not.

Not sure how I did really, I'm still assessing. The key thing is the family were happy with them so I guess that's all that counts.

P1113593 (1).jpg
P1113576 (1).jpgP1113538 (1).jpg
Wow, I’d say you’ve done really well, I like all of those a lot.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you! It was really time pressured as the dog was returning home the next day but I did what I could in the time and more importantly I had fun doing it.
I love dog pics. All good. But I’m drawn to that collar. I appreciate some like this keep it real. For me it’s a photoshop job. Colour change.