Traveling Lubitel (directors cut)

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So Lubitel is currently residing at my hoose, with Kev's blessing it has to get back to his hoose one way or another, so what better way than a roundabout route across the country picking up pictures as it goes.
This is its 2nd trip and 3rd roll of film, be nice to see some b/w's out of it.
The original travelling 6x6 thread is here
The instructions for shooting the camera are on page 2 or here

Anyone that wants to take a shot at it, scribble your moniker in this thread.
We need 12 for a full house..:)
in that case i'm in, be interesting to see how this differs from my voigtlander considering the lubitel was loosely based on it...
I would like to try this too. Not sure what I will achieve. Maybe it will inspire me.
Right then.
I dunno where everybody is, you're all too damn shy.
Don't suppose it matters, its the same price postage I would have thought, unless somebody's in Borneo or somewhere daft.:)


Would it be wiser for each participant to shoot 2 frames? Seeing as the last round took a long time to be complete and the objective of this is to get the camera back to Kev?
im from sunny motherwell, outside glasgow for those south of the border:D

i would happily shoot a whole roll of film, it's only 12 shots so should take a day to get through it. that said, if people want to make it one or two frames each then thats fine too.
my god, just read through the last thread, that was an abs joke!

seriously putting me off now if this is going to go the same way, surely someone can take the picture the day after they get it and send day after that?
it's not the royal mails fault, ok, sometimes they do mess up but by reading last thread there was members to blame more so.

why don't we have 6 people, 2 frames each?
or 4; 3 :geek:

Seriously though, you should read the threads where members have sent their calibration device out on tour, some folk are too cheeky by half.
Well, there is 5 of us already, presuming Joxby is wanting to take part, so presuming 2 frames each, we only need 1 more participant. Oh and I am in Kendal, ooop north.
I'll have a bash at it (not the camera, the photo part..) if there's a space left?
Well, there is 5 of us already, presuming Joxby is wanting to take part, so presuming 2 frames each, we only need 1 more participant. Oh and I am in Kendal, ooop north.

Its full on pressure from the off, 1 shot only.

You better lose yourself in the photo, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo


I'll only take a shot if we're struggling for a 12th shooter :)

Joodles you are in.

anybody else ?

otherwise the great unwashed will rise up, they will revolt and instigate a coo.......aaaand choose 6 and 2's :LOL:

I'll leave it one more day, if nobody comes in we'll get it off no messing about.
Not running it for 3 weeks waiting for 12 shooters..

It teks nice pichures if you try a bit
hmm... well I'm more than up for it so let me know when it starts to wend its way and I'll give someone my address!
Right, I'm gonna set it going, 2 shots per person.
I dunno where joodles is but its looking like starting in London with Yv.

1. Yv
2. Tiler
3. Sam
4. joodles ??
5. Onefunky

There is room for one more, that might end up being Kev..:LOL:

The world won't end if peeps forget what they are doing, sometimes life gets in the way y'know, but....y'know what I'm trying to say..;)
Just keep the thread updated with progress and/or any problems.

Loading with HP5 (iso400), on a bright sunny day its gonna be top of the dials, f/16 & 1/250th, anything other than that you'll have to meter.
Put me down as 6 then and if someone else comes along they can have my spot. I want to see less landscapes and more portraits this time too, not forgetting some off camera flash work;)
Exciting it's on it's way!(in a while....!) I'm in Cheltenham btw..looking forward to it!
Oh, right, you'll be number 2 then...Gloucestershire, Yv will be wanting your address.


1. Yv
2. Joodles
3. Tiler
4. Sam
5. Onefunky
6. Kev

It's gone btw
good luck on speedy trip :popcorn:
I forget which backing paper is HP5, but its one of these two (red tick), 6x6 is the middle row.

I've wound it to the start line which is somewhere before the red line I marked, so as you wind on to the first frame you'll see that sequence of circles as you approach "1", its much further than you think early doors, but gets faster the more film is wound on to the take-up spool...:)

ok, so I dont mess this up before we start, I have worked out all the dials for shutter, aperture, etc, but getting the film in the right place is what I need to check, never having used anything like this before. The little red window on back is currently blank - well it has a black oblong across it, so do I wind the top right hand knob clockwise until an arrow appears or a number? And instinct is telling me clockwise, but maybe its anti-clock? :thinking:
:bonk: ok, As I wanted to get these done today while we had the weather I wanted, I 'phoned a friend' and got some advice, read Joxbys post about where he had wound the film to and then proceeded to wind it on slowly, first of all nothing, then the circles appeared, then....number 2...EH!! Surely it should be 1? :bang: I 99% certain there was never a 1 and only got one lot of circles :thinking:

Anyway, apologies, really really sorry, I may have mucked it up slightly, really not sure but as we still have Kev at then end I am hoping its less of a pain than it might have been. 2 pics taken, a portrait and a landscape, probably lousy and oof, under/over exposed, if exposed at all, movment blur and every other fault you can think of, but what a cool toy :love:

However, 2 good things have come out of it - the 'friend' has a couple of Mamiya's in storage at home, so he is going to send me some details and I can purchase one of them a whatever the going rate is after trying them out. Plus, the portrait shot was of one of our mechanics, who was telling me he has a bellows type camera at home. No idea what it is yet but he is bringing it in tomorrow and would like me to use it rather than having it just sitting there. :D oh, and got a film back today that I am reasonably pleased with, so all round not a bad day, apart from somehow losing number 1 :nuts:
I 99% certain there was never a 1 and only got one lot of circles :thinking:

Anyway, apologies, really really sorry, I may have mucked it up slightly, really not sure but as we still have Kev at then end I am hoping its less of a pain than it might have been. 2 pics taken, a portrait and a landscape, probably lousy and oof, under/over exposed, if exposed at all, movment blur and every other fault you can think of, but what a cool toy :love:

Could have been me, I dunno..:LOL:
It doesn't matter, its isn't a point and shoot so cock-ups are factored in even for the loader :D, Kev will only have one to shoot :)
Focussing was the hardest thing, I kept thinking it was focussed, then I'd go a bit bogeyed and have to re-focus, in the end I used both the wlf and the scale to cross check.

However, 2 good things have come out of it - the 'friend' has a couple of Mamiya's in storage at home,

The Mamiya will be a completely different animal, a proper pro tlr with weight, build and function to match..:)
shush, making me more eager now! he is a wedding tog and these two were his wedding cameras 20 years ago and have been loving used and looked after and now safely stored, so will hopefully be good beasties. Will probably post something when I have more info on which models they are to get the advice of the good people of TP ;)

I will wrap the lubitel tomorrow and get it off to joodles, probably on saturday morning or monday, there is a postal strike tomorrow isn't there? :cautious:
Athough i dont post on here anymore i still follow the threads and as i donated this camera in the first place i have watched this thread with interest.

Its great to see this old camera being used and providing entertainment, knowledge, angst and amusement.

Fair play to all the participants and a special thanks for breathing life into this old camera.:clap:
shush, making me more eager now! he is a wedding tog and these two were his wedding cameras 20 years ago and have been loving used and looked after and now safely stored, so will hopefully be good beasties. Will probably post something when I have more info on which models they are to get the advice of the good people of TP ;)

Light seals, light tight bellows, mechanicals and glass condition.
I want one..

Athough i dont post on here anymore i still follow the threads and as i donated this camera in the first place i have watched this thread with interest.

Its great to see this old camera being used and providing entertainment, knowledge, angst and amusement.

Fair play to all the participants and a special thanks for breathing life into this old camera.:clap:

I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you for "donating" it, and Kev for setting it rolling.
Although we can't reproduce what it makes accurately on screen, for some its the first frame of film they've ever shot.
Its a cool introduction to a different way to make photographs (y)