

The other Chris
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Just a minor thing Chris, but I'd probably place the first image between 6 & 7 or slightly later. When viewing the set initially I thought it seemed really out of place, and doesn't help progress through the set.

Interesting bunch, and a good alternative & non-cliched view of trees.
Just a minor thing Chris, but I'd probably place the first image between 6 & 7 or slightly later. When viewing the set initially I thought it seemed really out of place, and doesn't help progress through the set.

Interesting bunch, and a good alternative & non-cliched view of trees.
Thanks Tony, I see what you mean, it's a beech and the rest are mainly ash so may be it doesn't fit in the set at all
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I just remembered that there is a creative photos section, may be this would be better in there?
Saw that last one come through on Flickr and fav'd it immediately. Very much my cuppa. I'm in the "more movement" camp for ICM as I think it can give a real dreamlike surreal quality to the subject(s).
I like the effects you applied to 7 and 8. Both are very unique and interesting.