Trip to Edinburgh

Sounds like you had a nice weekend while you were here :)

I really enjoyed looking through your photos, they show the character of the city well. Nice little write-up too (y)

I occasionally go into the Thistle Street bar on the way home from work. I like this picture, I like the low angle it's been taken from :)

Thanks for sharing!
Some nice shots there. Makes me realise that I should get out and document this beautiful city more often.
Like them, Be up there in June.
Thanks for the comments. Yes, my favs are the drainpipe and bookstore, too. Most jealous of all of you living here!

All best,
Liked those shots :)

It is a great city but then I also lived in Cambridge which I still think of as a mini Edinburgh, same feel to it :)
Thats a really nice set of shots! I love visiting Edinburgh too, even been to the pub in the last one :)