Trying to get a tad closer


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
Edit My Images
Canon M50 + 100 mm L 2.8 macro lens + 31 mm extension tube.
Hand held natural light.
One of the many fruit flies ( I hope )

by Cobra, on Flickr

And the old favourite ..

by Cobra, on Flickr
Nice clarity, colour, illumination and pose with the fly. Very good.

Illumination a bit strong for the bee? It's tricky combination with bees on light coloured flowers, with some areas being so dark on the bee. FWIW I illuminate for the brighter areas and then bring up the shadows in PP. It's easier to draw up shadows (if necessary dealing with any local noise) than it is to pull down overly bright areas (which may not even be possible if they have gone too far).
Nice clarity, colour, illumination and pose with the fly. Very good.

Illumination a bit strong for the bee? It's tricky combination with bees on light coloured flowers, with some areas being so dark on the bee. FWIW I illuminate for the brighter areas and then bring up the shadows in PP. It's easier to draw up shadows (if necessary dealing with any local noise) than it is to pull down overly bright areas (which may not even be possible if they have gone too far).
Thanks Nick, and thanks for your input, its appreciated. (y)
For what its worth, the details for the bee Natural direct sunlight and shade for the for the fly.
I did "stop down" a couple on the bee but as you suggested might be the case, it was just too damned dark.
First shot of the fly is lovely. More impressive you managed it with just natural light.
Thanks Nick, and thanks for your input, its appreciated. (y)
For what its worth, the details for the bee Natural direct sunlight and shade for the for the fly.
I did "stop down" a couple on the bee but as you suggested might be the case, it was just too damned dark.

Direct sunlight - tricky given the white and black. Gives harsh contrast.

When you say you stopped down, do you mean you made the aperture smaller (to get more DOF) or you gave it a couple of stops of negative exposure compensation?

If the latter, and it was too dark, is that overall too dark out of the camera, or did you try lifting shadows but they were too dark to do anything with?

Are you shooting raw or JPEG?

Are you post processing?
or you gave it a couple of stops of negative exposure compensation?
That (y)

Are you shooting raw or JPEG?
I never shoot RAW well that is I started off using raw and discovered that there was virtually nothing between Jpeg and raw but I can use the the ACR (Adobe Camera RAW). tools on Jpeg should I so desire.
Are you post processing?
CS5 or Affinity and occasionally if required DeNoise.( denoise AI or AI Clear)
The Bee was pushed to the limits in AI Clear just to see what would happen ;)
I agree the 1st image is superb Chris- nicely done

Les :)
These are great, not saying your other images were poor but these really stand out for me.
Very nice Matey and yes you got very close to these.
Nicely done Chris
Love the fruitfly shot.
They wait until I'm ready to hit the shutter and then bugger off!
Love the fruitfly shot.
Thanks Brian (y)

They wait until I'm ready to hit the shutter and then bugger off!
I put out a piece of decaying fruit, in the sun. I find soft fruits work best, like melon.
They are so engrossed in eating you should be able to get a few (y)
Always difficult getting the exposure right for everything in the frame, so when there are extremes, I'd always get the main subject right and sod the rest of it (to a large extent!) Just wish I had the patience to get back into macro.