Very Low ASA film

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Hey Guys im looking for film,Idealy color with a very low asa 25 max but the lower the better, what's available ?
Rollei do some 25 b/w, dunno about colour, the lowest I know off the top of my head is iso 50.
You could use an ND..
I'm not sure of colour either, but in black & white you can get Rollei Ortho 25 ISO and Adox CMS 20 ISO. Apparently the Adox can be used as low as 12 ISO, but can't say I've tried it myself.
You might find some Kodak Royal Gold 25 knocking around, though it was discontinued years back so will probably be out of date and have colour casts by now, other than that, the lowest asa colour films I can think of are Velvia 50, or Kodachrome 64.

Why are you after something so slow?
Alternatively use one of the B&W films for three exposures with a red, blue and green filter and recombine in photoshop?
Alternatively use one of the B&W films for three exposures with a red, blue and green filter and recombine in photoshop?

I shoot motorsport and "press work" things dont stay still enough to take three photos but a cleaver idea

You might find some Kodak Royal Gold 25 knocking around, though it was discontinued years back so will probably be out of date and have colour casts by now, other than that, the lowest asa colour films I can think of are Velvia 50, or Kodachrome 64.

Why are you after something so slow?
Im shooting kodachrome and loving it at the moment.

The reason is two fold.
I shoot a lot of slow shutter speed stuff (1/50) of a second and slower in mid day sunshine at iso 50 and still push well over f16. I wana keep the f stop low f4 max really, already using upwards of two nd grads and dont wanna throw in another nd filter to the mix as well. Also I love the way the grain looks on the 64 of the Kodachrome and would like to experiment on what even lower looks like. Thats it really, I can survive with out but would love to play if i could.(y)
Adox CMS 20 ISO.

I have found some examples and paragraphs about this film in a quite google search and it looks like fun abit not color. Might see if i can locate some
I shoot a lot of slow shutter speed stuff (1/50) of a second and slower in mid day sunshine at iso 50 and still push well over f16. I wana keep the f stop low f4 max really, already using upwards of two nd grads and dont wanna throw in another nd filter to the mix as well.

Just out of interest, I don't know the strength of your ND filters but you can buy, for example, a B+W 10-stop filter which will screw into your lens. I don't know if there is an equivalent in a graduated form.
If you just need to lose speed try a 6 stop B+W ND filter, that way you can use fuji 160S for example and rate it at ISO 3 ish, plus you can then take the filter off if the light changes. What camera are you shooting with, heavy NDs work really well on a RF but not so good on an SLR
I have a B&W 110 3.0 10-stop ND and that makes a hell of a difference! Very easy to get 30s + exposure times at ISO 100. You cant see through the viewfinder at all though so you need to compose,focus etc before putting the filter on. Also works well stacked with a CPL for an extra 2 stops.
I havent used it on a film camera yet though - just my 5DmkII.

I know Kerso can get hold of them for a good price.
filters arnt going to work chaps I'm already using 2 nd grands and a circ polarisor and shooting motorsports i need something that will still autofocus
It works to lower the ISO by allowing the OP to shoot ISO 25 Adox CHS film. The three exposures then combine to form the final image, meaning you have to underexpose each shot as well, a ball park would be around 2-3 stops underexposure per shot

This is ridiculously slow, photo paper is usually rated about ISO 3 to put it in perspective.

This is of no use in motorsport however, your only option is the use of massively tinted ND filters which you cant see through, a huge amount of pull processing (Dwaynes will pull I think but not sure how far), or to be happy with ISO 64

Use ISO 100 colour negative film and over expose one or two stops. It will be fine with standard processing (but test it first to be sure!) or you can get it pull processed.
