Vintage Kodak Brownie help???

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I've just picked up a 'Kodak Brownie Reflex 20' camera from a local charity shop and know nothing about it. It'd be great if I could get it working and was hoping you guys might be able to help.

Here's one I found similar...

I believe it takes the extremely rare 620 type film and re-spooling it with 120 film should do the trick. But the camera didn't come with a 620 spool - does anyone have one?

Secondly, how on earth are these things powered??? Did batteries even exist in the 50's???

620 spool on ebay currently - was at £11 last night !!

I'm sure someone might have one lying around in a dark corner if you ask.
Yeah, there appears to be one Ebay seller with a bunch of them; fetch a small fortune. Surely someone on hear has one...