Voigtlander 40mm 1.2 - all versions - only one can stay!

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This is what happens when I don't know which version I would prefer... :rolleyes:


After I got full frame A7II, I knew I will never go back to m4/3 or any other sensor size.
After I got A7C, I knew I will pursue the minimalistic look and feeling.
I hunted and hunted and hunted, till I got all of them.
So I ended up having all version of my favourite lens, Voigtlander 40mm 1.2 - Regular E, SE and VM.



Now, I need to keep just one (my missus says).
I know that size and weight wise, I won't be keeping regular E version.
So it comes to choosing between VM and SE.
VM needs adapter, which can be small and light (~50g, 10mm height), brings VM lens to the size of SE, even a bit heavier.
Weight wise at this point it doesn't matter - VM (315g) with adapter (365g) is close to SE - 340g.
Size wise - length/height would be similar, few mm difference. Width is different - VM has such a small cute barrel... :)
Usage/handling wise - it p***es me off that adapter has this release button so far off the main side, that I hit it with my fingers that go on a camera grip - I may need to get different adapter.
With VM I lose exif and automatic focus magnification (already put under a7c video button, so not a biggie here, but still...). Also, its MFD is a bit of a pain, huge difference compared to both E versions. I'm a close-up photos maniac, to the point where amazing wee Sony 24mm 2.8 G loses with chunky, slow and loud Tamron 24mm 2.8, which has 1:2 macro, so you can see what I mean ;)
SE looks good, feels ok, is wider which makes biggest difference compared to VM.

What should I do? Which one to keep? Leaning towards SE. But the VM is soooo cuuuuuute :giggle:
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You are clearly madder than me :D

When using these on a Sony I'd pick the Sony mount every single time as you don't need the adapter and it's optically better.

I have the older Sony mount 35mm f1.4, 40mm f1.2 and 50mm f2, The SE ones are cheaper and save a fraction of both bulk and weight but I have to say that I prefer the styling of the original Sony mount lenses.

The 35mm f1.4 is probably my most used manual lens and this is possibly my favourite 40mm f1.2 picture.

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With the VM version you can use the LM-EA9 adapter and get some autofocus which is pretty much the main reason to buy it I think.

Otherwise SE is better IMO.
AFAIK the SE and the other Sony mount lens are optically identical the only differences being the outer body styling and that the SE lacks the aperture declick option so if you shoot video or just like to declick the original is the one to go for of the two Sony mount lenses.

Personally and unless you want AF with an adapter and I don't how well that works, the Sony mount versions are clearly optically better so I'd choose the SE or original and I do prefer the styling of the original but if that's worth the tiny bit extra bulk and weight plus the declick option is something to think about.
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You are clearly madder than me :D

As I started reading the opening thread, I thought someone as mad as Alan.... :ROFLMAO: Maybe you are right though..... :ROFLMAO:

Visually, the VM wins EVERY time with the chrome nose. I loved that look on the old 40/1.4

If it were me, I'd be keeping the newer SE version - even though I have the original E version.
As I started reading the opening thread, I thought someone as mad as Alan.... :ROFLMAO: Maybe you are right though..... :ROFLMAO:

Visually, the VM wins EVERY time with the chrome nose. I loved that look on the old 40/1.4

If it were me, I'd be keeping the newer SE version - even though I have the original E version.

I like the knurled focus ring of the original, and of course it matches my 35 and 50mm.
A7c is the only body I have, wont be using Leica.
SE sounds like best option to keep I think.
VM is beautiful, but SE sounds simply easier choice. I don't know...
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Well, I think I'll keep SE.
E version is now sold. VM going on sale.
I still feel like I would love to keep VM, maybe I should? I don't know....
One more thing - I thought that close focus adapter would make VM's MFD similar to E version, but its not the same, its quite further away. Shame, cause I'm a sucker for close-up photos.
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