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Thought I would go back to 35mm to compliment my digital camera, I do mainly UE photography and have seen recently some great shots on this format. Have not used a roll of film for a good 15 years though :eek:

Picked up this cutey, just waiting for it to arrive...........




Anyone know where I can find a downloadable manual for it??

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Sorry can't help with the manual but I must say if that camera works as well as it looks you've got a bargain. Good luck with it!
Modern twaddle :p

Here's mine, and yes I'm about to join you in the world of trying to find reasonably priced 35mm processing :thinking:

Looks a beaut btw :)
Modern twaddle :p

Here's mine, and yes I'm about to join you in the world of trying to find reasonably priced 35mm processing :thinking:

Looks a beaut btw :)

Yours too............is that a rangefinder atop yours??
Here's mine, and yes I'm about to join you in the world of trying to find reasonably priced 35mm processing

Cheapest I have found is Klick, dunno if their anygood though????
Yours too............is that a rangefinder atop yours??
Yup, thought I'd bust it and was looking online for a replacement when I remembered a small dial to the right .... :bang:

Presently it's sitting in it's case (which is missing the holding screw (and I haven't a clue where I'll get a replacement for that)) next to my light meter and a roll of Jessop's 200 ASA 36 shot 35mm colour.

It's been a long time since I last used it, but it still works - I reckon this thread will probably have now given me the impetus to finally load the film. (y)
It seems to be in mint condition!
It's a very beautiful camera. Congratulations. :)
measure the thread diameter and buy a normal screw ;)

or even better take the pair of them to an engineering workshop and half inch one from stores, most likely give it to you for an interesting conversation
I have a number of voigtlander cameras, love the make.

As for a manual, you don't really need one to use it. I'm sure you've already worked out but going by your 2nd picture... The topmost lens ring is the focus which you set to the diamond symbol, below that is the depth of field scale, next comes the iris (fstop) adjustment and lastly the shutter speed both of which you set against the red triangle.
If the camera has a meter built in it's not likely to be accurate any more but generally on a sunny day with iso 100 film set the shutter to 1/125th and the iris to f8 and you'll get well exposed photographs handheld.

Make good use of the depth of field scale to help ensure you have a good focus but make a test also by photographing an object at a known distance at a wide aperture to see how well the lens has kept. The color skopar f2.8 is a standard lens used on many voigtlander cameras and is a good performer.
I have a number of voigtlander cameras, love the make.

As for a manual, you don't really need one to use it. I'm sure you've already worked out but going by your 2nd picture... The topmost lens ring is the focus which you set to the diamond symbol, below that is the depth of field scale, next comes the iris (fstop) adjustment and lastly the shutter speed both of which you set against the red triangle.
If the camera has a meter built in it's not likely to be accurate any more but generally on a sunny day with iso 100 film set the shutter to 1/125th and the iris to f8 and you'll get well exposed photographs handheld.

Make good use of the depth of field scale to help ensure you have a good focus but make a test also by photographing an object at a known distance at a wide aperture to see how well the lens has kept. The color skopar f2.8 is a standard lens used on many voigtlander cameras and is a good performer.

Hey thanks for this, it turned up yesterday, I have a Sekonic light meter so will use this and see how the light meter on the camera compares. I have figured all the dials, ASA, Foucus ring, F-stop and Shutter, just the depth of field scale that I'm not getting, any chance of running this by me again :bonk:
Hey thanks for this, it turned up yesterday, I have a Sekonic light meter so will use this and see how the light meter on the camera compares. I have figured all the dials, ASA, Foucus ring, F-stop and Shutter, just the depth of field scale that I'm not getting, any chance of running this by me again :bonk:

Victor, have you sorted out developing chemicals etc yet or are you going to send your films off to be developed?
Rob, what you doing over here?? Too much time on your hands and your trawling all the photog site............lol

No chemicals yet, something I'm looking at though...........gonna run a colour and B&W film through it just to double check settings and performance and whether it needs a quick service.

What about you, got some film fired off yet??
I have one of those (Vitomatic II) and its slightly less featured, slightly smaller cousin, the Vito B (Same as the one Mr dapprman has I think) which I took out yesterday.

You don't really need the manual as it's all basic but there are a few here: http://www.butkus.org/chinon/voigtlander_pdf/voigtlander_pdf_manuals.htm

These can be picked up quite cheap on ebay as most sellers think the shutter is stuck not realising that they need a film in them to cock the shutter on winding. Without a film they appear broken.

Rob, what you doing over here?? Too much time on your hands and your trawling all the photog site............lol

No chemicals yet, something I'm looking at though...........gonna run a colour and B&W film through it just to double check settings and performance and whether it needs a quick service.

What about you, got some film fired off yet??

Hehe, i like the film forum here, what can i say?

Im just ordering chemicals atm, but with processing tanks and dark bags etc its coming to £100 which is a bit more than i had budgeted. Still, at least i already have a film scanner!
Going to process my b&w's and then x-process E6 slide film with C41 colour chems.

I hope the voigtlander is working fine - it looks so cool!
just the depth of field scale that I'm not getting, any chance of running this by me again :bonk:

If you look at your image up top ^ the lens is focused inbetween 1.6ft and 2ft, the depth of field scale shows you how much more will be in focus at a set f/stop. At f22 everything from 1.2ft to 4ft will be sharp, open up to f11 and the depth of field reduces to 1.4ft-2.5ft

This scale is really useful, you'll read about hyperfocal focusing, this is using the dof scale to get more of the scene you want to be sharp erm sharp.

example - if the dof at f22, lens focused on the subject at 6ft goes from 3ft to 12ft


You can move the focus point of the lens anywhere between 3ft and 12ft (the f22 marks) and should still keep the main subject sharp at 6ft.

You can use this to blur the background if it's distracting

or have your subject and the far background in focus


I hope that makes sense?
If you look at your image up top ^ the lens is focused inbetween 1.6ft and 2ft, the depth of field scale shows you how much more will be in focus at a set f/stop. At f22 everything from 1.2ft to 4ft will be sharp, open up to f11 and the depth of field reduces to 1.4ft-2.5ft

This scale is really useful, you'll read about hyperfocal focusing, this is using the dof scale to get more of the scene you want to be sharp erm sharp.

example - if the dof at f22, lens focused on the subject at 6ft goes from 3ft to 12ft


You can move the focus point of the lens anywhere between 3ft and 12ft (the f22 marks) and should still keep the main subject sharp at 6ft.

You can use this to blur the background if it's distracting

or have your subject and the far background in focus


I hope that makes sense?

Wow I'll get the scale out on the camera and have a comparison?

surely it will be in Meters not ft, as its a German (Metric) camera??
It's almost certainly feet, the one voigtlander within reach just now is marked in feet.
Well the one in the pics has an M before the figures on the focus dial????
That'll be meters then, the two color skopar lenses I have are both marked with the word 'feet' on the focus ring. :)
Very difficult camera to get to grips with! Almost impossible if you have not taken 35mm for 15 years, If I were you I would not bother.
On the other hand I enjoy a challenge and am prepared to take it off your hands.

Lovely camera you are lucky. Cracking lens too, have fun.
Very difficult camera to get to grips with! Almost impossible if you have not taken 35mm for 15 years, If I were you I would not bother.
On the other hand I enjoy a challenge and am prepared to take it off your hands.

Lovely camera you are lucky. Cracking lens too, have fun.


Its off having a CLA at the mo...........still not getting that bloody depth of field thingy though:wacky:

Do any of you guys know what the little black lever above the shutter release is??
Do any of you guys know what the little black lever above the shutter release is??


"There is a battery cover on the top right corner of it. 乳白色のカバーを外すと電池が出てくる。 Come out and remove the battery cover is milky. そんなところにあるなんて、なかなか判らないものね。 I have something like that, we判RANAI it. 電池容量のチェックボタンは正面の、レリーズレバーのすこし上についてある。 Capacity of the battery check button front, on a bit about the RERIZUREBA. そのスイッチもあまり気づかれないかも。 Few people may not notice the switch.


"Even today, decades later, one can shoot without any trouble, you can enjoy the sight of the time, I felt concerned bliss."

concerned bliss....:thinking:

It's looking like a battery switch...maybe.
From here -

With clear instructions like that, you now have no excuse for imperfect pictures Vic :LOL: