W o t! No Stickies?!

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I think that we could do with a couple of stickies in here to give beginners :wave: a quick grounding in film handling and processing.

Freester has pointed me at the pdf on the illford site for B&W. I'm going to have a look through the threads and pull out as much useful info as I can.

As a Yorkshireman (Defn: Like a Scot, but with deeper pockets and shorter arms) I want to get the best value out of the film cameras that I've bought. Paying someone to do the devleloping and processing will soon cost more than the cameras, so I want to get sorted asap with a darkroom setup.

Linky things, hints, suppliers, etc welcome.
We seem to be a slack lot in this corner of the forum.

If you are doing B&W you're best doing it yourself. Colour is a little more involved and temperature dependent but can be done at home.

You don't need a darkroom to develop. Just print. I don't have room for a darkroom so I develop B&W at home and scan the negs. I print at college. Check your local schools / colleges and camera clubs. There may be a 'friends of the darkroom' society where you can use the darkroom for prints for a minimal fee.

For hardware (changing bags, dev tanks, measuring cylinders) ebay is your friend. For big measuring jugs I buy cheap at Wilkinsons.

For more specialist gear such as chemicals there is Silverprint and Nova.
Thanks Freester.

I've put a Wanted ad on the local freecycle to see if anyone is getting rid of any kit - I've seen darkroom stuff offered in the past so thought it might be worth a go.

I've watched a few youtube clips (alternativecamera? Hippyish guy) and it all seems quite straightforward so far (developing the film anyway). I'm going to look at enlargers etc next, but I'll get some negatives done first.
there was a full darkroom set up being advertised at a great price in the classifieds
Yes - I did reply but I think I was too late.

However, freecycle has turned up an Axomat 5 enlarger and a few trays and a dev tank with a couple of spools. I need to check that it works and make a base for the enlarger, but its a good start.

Also a couple of tins of film. Never seen that before - 17m of 35mm film. I presume that I can get reusable spools? Winding them must be an acquired skill.

I am just checking around for prices for developer/fixer/etc.
Thanks Blapto.

BTW- did you get that Praktica fixed - I've found some more links..
I didn't in the end, the guy neighbour and his girlfriend split up, so they each moved to smaller flats.

Still interested in repairing cameras, I want to buy a toolset and broken crap off of eBay to fix up!