WAMT....what annoyed me today!

t*** in the lorry who clipped my new car and then drove off. It had only been dropped off 10 minutes earlier from repairs after the last cockwomble did exactly the same a couple of weeks ago. Thats one idiot driving off after an accident for every 500 miles the car has done
Oops, that is pretty s***, and unlucky....
t*** in the lorry who clipped my new car and then drove off. It had only been dropped off 10 minutes earlier from repairs after the last cockwomble did exactly the same a couple of weeks ago. Thats one idiot driving off after an accident for every 500 miles the car has done

Your insurers are going to love you.
t*** in the lorry who clipped my new car and then drove off. It had only been dropped off 10 minutes earlier from repairs after the last cockwomble did exactly the same a couple of weeks ago. Thats one idiot driving off after an accident for every 500 miles the car has done

two sets of gantry signs flashing "50 mph obstruction" on the motorway one this morning and one this evening.
Several miles later and the signs were mysteriously turned off.
Now I'm not saying that there wasn't and obstruction, at some point, earlier, but why were they still on and for several miles before?

Ah yes that'll be where the smart motorway signs come in, you know the ones with the variable speed camera's.

Call me cynical ( and I'm sure someone will) but I bet they haven't hit their targets this month, Christmas is approaching, & they have a party and bonuses to pay for ;)

two sets of gantry signs flashing "50 mph obstruction" on the motorway one this morning and one this evening.
Several miles later and the signs were mysteriously turned off.
Now I'm not saying that there wasn't and obstruction, at some point, earlier, but why were they still on and for several miles before?

Ah yes that'll be where the smart motorway signs come in, you know the ones with the variable speed camera's.

Call me cynical ( and I'm sure someone will) but I bet they haven't hit their targets this month, Christmas is approaching, & they have a party and bonuses to pay for ;)

Cynical Chris?
Naaaaaah! :LOL: ;)
You can get some good deals in the sale....Sadly kids school shoes isn't one of them lol
I never did figure out why shoes a 1/4 of the size of mine, cost at least twice as much ;)
You can get some good deals in the sale....Sadly kids school shoes isn't one of them lol

Tell me about it - just forked out £50 for my daughters shoes

She has very narrow ankles so finding shoes that fit well is a pain & expensive
Tell me about it - just forked out £50 for my daughters shoes

She has very narrow ankles so finding shoes that fit well is a pain & expensive

Yep my sons were £44 and apparently has slightly different foot width so it is trial and error on styles
Yep my sons were £44 and apparently has slightly different foot width so it is trial and error on styles
I started out buying my boys Clark shoes for school. They were around £30-£40 15yrs ago. Didn't last any longer than more realistically priced shoes from elsewhere. They were still destroyed within a few months. Thought I'd try them again for my second son and still no change. Their feet and comfort were no better off for the time they were wearing them compared to other shoes anyway. There feet are still just fine now they are adults.
After seeing your post yesterday, I took a look on their site to see what they had to offer, plenty of shoes for men, but nothing I'd be remotely interested in wearing, even if they were 1/2 price in a sale.
I started out buying my boys Clark shoes for school. They were around £30-£40 15yrs ago. Didn't last any longer than more realistically priced shoes from elsewhere. They were still destroyed within a few months. Thought I'd try them again for my second son and still no change. Their feet and comfort were no better off for the time they were wearing them compared to other shoes anyway. There feet are still just fine now they are adults.
After seeing your post yesterday, I took a look on their site to see what they had to offer, plenty of shoes for men, but nothing I'd be remotely interested in wearing, even if they were 1/2 price in a sale.

Oh I totally agree on pretty much everything, they certainly last no longer than other shoes and my boy has never said anything regarding comfort lol... To them shoes are shoes especially school ones.

I think they just make you feel guilty about correct shoes etc for the width fittings and the like
Oh I totally agree on pretty much everything, they certainly last no longer than other shoes and my boy has never said anything regarding comfort lol... To them shoes are shoes especially school ones.

I think they just make you feel guilty about correct shoes etc for the width fittings and the like
I think the only saving you will experience is time trawling around the other shops trying to find comfortable shoes and your son getting the hump being trawled around countless shops and trying on countless shoes. :)
I think the only saving you will experience is time trawling around the other shops trying to find comfortable shoes and your son getting the hump being trawled around countless shops and trying on countless shoes. :)

The thought is enough to send me crazy lol
The only "proper" shoes I have that fit me properly are Clarks ones. Can't remember how much they were - they fitted and were comfortable in the shop so, since I needed a pair of smart shoes to wear all day, I bought them.
The woman in Tesco today that couldn't chew her chewing gum without having her massive gob wide open and making disgusting 'smacking' noises!!
The woman in Tesco today that couldn't chew her chewing gum without having her massive gob wide open and making disgusting 'smacking' noises!!

Chewing gum is bloody disgusting.
Smacking noises are disgusting!
Chewing gum is bloody disgusting.
Depending on how you meant that,
You can get it in different flavours you know.
Depends on how you chew it, it's not obligatory to pretend you're chewing a wasp.
Depending on how you meant that,
You can get it in different flavours you know.
Depends on how you chew it, it's not obligatory to pretend you're chewing a wasp.

Chewing gum is just a dirty bad habit and should be banded . Just look at all the pavements up and down the country that have been ruined by people spitting them out by people with absolutely no care in the world.
Depending on how you meant that,
You can get it in different flavours you know.
Depends on how you chew it, it's not obligatory to pretend you're chewing a wasp.

Nope. Sorry. Seeing someone constantly chewing anything in any fashion is repulsive.
Idiots driving in torrential rain without their lights on :banghead:
Suicidal maniacs :banghead::banghead:
I have no idea whether other cars had lights on, I couldn't see past my own bonnet! :eek:
Should have gone to spec savers (y)
...and their counterparts with fog lights on (especially at night!) :runaway:

Any mn lights would have been good today, frequent having to pull out from the side of the road with windows and mirrors covered in rain, it didn't
make life easy, especially as most of the idiots were going far to fast :banghead:
Being forced to listen to other people's music...
Currently on a coach on the way home from London and sat behind me and my mum are two women who insist on playing music from their phones. Without headphones. So far we've had the delights of One Direction, A Ha, some utter drivel I couldn't possibly name. Billy Ocean "get out of my car" is the current choice. Wish they'd get out of the bloody coach.
Andy Kershaw.