WAMT....what annoyed me today!

I have no idea whether other cars had lights on, I couldn't see past my own bonnet! :eek:
Hopefully you'd pulled over and waited until you could see further then,
There actually wasn't anywhere I could have pulled over but I did slow down. I could actually just about see though, the "past the end of my bonnet" wasn't meant to be taken too literally.
See that's where you went wrong, mods are not supposed to post irony, or laugh at comments posted by others ;)
Lorry drivers in the outside lane of the A1 taking a bloody age to pass another lorry doing only 1mph less than they are
Decorating my daughters room as a surprise for doing well in exams whilst she is away.... Meant to be a coat of paint but have had to end up completely stripping the ceiling as it's coated or painted with some weird stuff that just peels off :(
Decorating my daughters room as a surprise for doing well in exams whilst she is away.... Meant to be a coat of paint but have had to end up completely stripping the ceiling as it's coated or painted with some weird stuff that just peels off :(
<green with envy>
Youth of today eh, I could only dream of a freshly painted bedroom ceiling as a reward for doing well in my exams.:sulk:
<green with envy>
Youth of today eh, I could only dream of a freshly painted bedroom ceiling as a reward for doing well in my exams.:sulk:

To be fair the house we live in is a mess and taking and will take ages to look nice, I just decided to do her room next instead of Hall and landing or any other of the awful rooms lol
Well when I say a ceiling, I mean a sheet of tarpaulin' draped over a septic tank. But it was a ceiling to us.

A tarpaulin....posh!!
Decorating my daughters room as a surprise for doing well in exams whilst she is away.... Meant to be a coat of paint but have had to end up completely stripping the ceiling as it's coated or painted with some weird stuff that just peels off :(

How old is the house Trace, sounds an old paint called distemper ot limewash, used frequently in the 50/60s.
Had it on the ceilings in my previous house which been lived in by the same family since it was built in the early
50s and the front room not decorated for years.
Choices are either was it back to the plaster, seal and repaint....... messy but best
or you can buy a sealer that you paint over it with.
How old is the house Trace, sounds an old paint called distemper ot limewash, used frequently in the 50/60s.
Had it on the ceilings in my previous house which been lived in by the same family since it was built in the early
50s and the front room not decorated for years.
Choices are either was it back to the plaster, seal and repaint....... messy but best
or you can buy a sealer that you paint over it with.

It's distemper, house is around early 1950's and all over the bedrooms and hallways etc... It's shi*...!! I've scraped the whole ceiling and now re painting but not sealed :( so I'm guessing over time it's just going to do the same again
It's distemper, house is around early 1950's and all over the bedrooms and hallways etc... It's shi*...!! I've scraped the whole ceiling and now re painting but not sealed :( so I'm guessing over time it's just going to do the same again

Not necessarily if you've done a good job in getting it all off :), m8ght need 2 coats though
Not necessarily if you've done a good job in getting it all off :), m8ght need 2 coats though

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, just talked to my neighbour and he was saying he has it and awful it is, he re done one of his rooms and 2 hours later it was coming away again
have you tried steaming it off then sugar soaping?

To be honest it peeled of in big chunks really easily, I've already given in a coat of paint now gecaude I didn't know about anything else.. I've just got to hope it stays up, it was plaster underneath but looked like it had a light white wash so I'm about eek at the monent :eek:ops:
if it comes off trying steaming it off, sugar soaping it then paint it with pva to seal it then you can paint away freely without problem
To be honest it peeled of in big chunks really easily, I've already given in a coat of paint now gecaude I didn't know about anything else.. I've just got to hope it stays up, it was plaster underneath but looked like it had a light white wash so I'm about eek at the monent :eek:ops:

Fingers crossed for you Trace, if it's still up in the morning it should be fine.
If it does start to flake again but only in small patches, use the pva to seal just those bits and paint over them
Bloody itunes. Stupid rubbish program will not let me play some tracks from a cd THAT I OWN. I'm guessing that is related to me having to master it on the laptop due to the desktop's superdrive having packed up because apple build some shoddy rubbish that it won't work. It's so infuriating! Tracks from the album are greyed out. They're not all greyed out and it's on itunes store as well FFS! There is literally no excuse why some tracks should be playable and others aren't.

This is why the cloud is a load of poo. For some stupid reason some apple programmer has decided it cannot play songs for some reason with absolutely no explanation as to why. Both laptop and desktop have the same itunes account too. I click the' make available for offline use' thing which has appeared and it doesn't do it. No explanation as to why either.

This annoys me a lot!
Loosing my wireless connection to the SuperHub :(

OK partly my fault - accidentally disconnected the power from it [ it's plugged into a surge protection extension block ] . Realised what I'd done and switched it on again . OOPS - no wireless connection to the MacBookPro [ and of course the iPhone either ] :(

Did all the usual - reboot SuperHub , switch off wireless etc etc - had a cup of coffee , kicked the imaginary cat up and down the stairs , used bad language - nothing worked :( still offline

big snag though - I need to do a Check in online for a flight - and without the internet that's not exactly easy.

Situation not changed after an hour

Gave in and phoned Virgin - snag was only number I could find was for Virgin Mobile - oh well - any port in a storm

Phoned - eventually got a human - " Oops said he - that's not good " I'll transfer you through to the Broadband folk - I sighed thinking I would be getting someone with less than completely colloquial English , WRONG - he got me through to a senior techy guy - who said - " AH - what have you tried - right let's confirm your address "

After a bit of fiddling [ well 15 mins of it ] he managed to get the Lappy seeing the SuperHub

Now everything is back to normal :D :D

What a nice man - and that has cheered me up no end
That's not nice !! I hit the wrong switch - it was the light switch I was wanting which was above the one for the Power block .

Still it's all sorted AND I've just printed my boarding pass :)
WAMT...a large bore cannula!
OH - I hope the huge hole sealed off quickly

Large bore cannulae are very boring :(
WAMT - Someone saying thank you to me for knowing how a roundabout works.

I approached the roundabout, looked right, and there was a car coming, so I stopped. The woman behind the wheel waved and said thanks...

I know it sounds grumpy, but my first thought was 'Why are you thanking me? Its a bloody roundabout!'

Maybe im just in a bad mood today :meh: :indifferent:
WAMT - Someone saying thank you to me for knowing how a roundabout works.

I approached the roundabout, looked right, and there was a car coming, so I stopped. The woman behind the wheel waved and said thanks...

I know it sounds grumpy, but my first thought was 'Why are you thanking me? Its a bloody roundabout!'

Maybe im just in a bad mood today :meh: :indifferent:

Grumpy old sod. :p
WAMT - Someone saying thank you to me for knowing how a roundabout works.

I approached the roundabout, looked right, and there was a car coming, so I stopped. The woman behind the wheel waved and said thanks...

I know it sounds grumpy, but my first thought was 'Why are you thanking me? Its a bloody roundabout!'

Maybe im just in a bad mood today :meh: :indifferent:
It was a woman. Nuff said. Lucky she saw you over the top of her smartphone really.

WAMT - Someone saying thank you to me for knowing how a roundabout works.

I approached the roundabout, looked right, and there was a car coming, so I stopped. The woman behind the wheel waved and said thanks...

I know it sounds grumpy, but my first thought was 'Why are you thanking me? Its a bloody roundabout!'

Maybe im just in a bad mood today :meh: :indifferent:
Probably because she encounters many people who don't know or actually ignore how they work. Nothing wrong in showing your gratitude. I sometimes drive through a short contraflow with priority given in one direction only. I've lost count of the number of times I've had right of way and been within yard of the contraflow and someone from the other direction has just barged their way through without even slowing or a second thought. I always acknowledge those who give way. Unfortunately there isn't time to give the suitable acknowledgement to those that haven't given way.
Unfortunately there isn't time to give the suitable acknowledgement to those that haven't given way
Oh I don't know I usually find time to say "thank you " :D
Oh I don't know I usually find time to say "thank you " :D
I'm too busy slamming the brakes on and swerving back to the left to avoid them and they have disappeared off into the distance behind me.
I expect them to do it, so im ready, I'll stop but in the most inconvenient place to them so they have to maneuver. Gives me plenty of time for a friendly gesture :D
Unlike me who cares about my car, these people aren't really bothered about their vehicles and seem to be less likely to take evasive action.
Unlike me who cares about my car, these people aren't really bothered about their vehicles and seem to be less likely to take evasive action.
When faced by a circa 2 tonne 4x4 that invariabley looks like it's been mudplugging, they do tend think twice :D
When faced by a circa 2 tonne 4x4 that invariabley looks like it's been mudplugging, they do tend think twice :D

Funnily enough, they do similar when vs a 15 yo Audi :)