Water photography

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As some may know I am being trying taking photos of creatures in water for a few years.
Which of the following do you think has the best background
EF7A2396gnatlarva by davholla2002, on Flickr
2) leaf not always that easy
FishIMG_6296 by davholla2002, on Flickr
3) Another leaf
IMG_2842Unknown by davholla2002, on Flickr

4) Clothing
Rat tailed maggots by davholla2002, on Flickr

If anyone else has been doing this and has really good suggestion feel free to post a photo with your background choice
I think your backgrounds are to close to your subjects , just my opinion , the fish is the best . but again the background looks unnatural to my eyes . I think most under water Macro toggers use small square tanks , One I know of made his own from sealant and CD cases . Hope that`s some help , and not to negative .
I think your backgrounds are to close to your subjects , just my opinion , the fish is the best . but again the background looks unnatural to my eyes . I think most under water Macro toggers use small square tanks , One I know of made his own from sealant and CD cases . Hope that`s some help , and not to negative .
The background is that close because of the containers that they are in but maybe a different container could be better.
I used containers based on ones in the book extreme macro by Julian Cremona (I will read it again).
Do you have details of sealant one? I looked but could not find.

The problem I have with tanks is that although I took these in the garden. I really want a portable (airplane) solution. What I have got does work like that but has two problems
a) bigger creatures
b) background.

The problem with leaves is that there is not always a good one available. I could use card
You just need the sealant used for fish tank repairs , something like this I imagine would be fine .


Hope I not appearing a know it all , as I have never tried this type of photography , but like you read quite a lot on it . With the creepy crawly thins , I would suggest just one plant stem resting in the CD box with your suggested colour card background . Think you Might need slightly bigger tanks for more mobile creatures . I learnt a good deal from this book , it`s old and based on 35mm , but the principles are the same , a good book , covers lot of good stuff Wildlife wise .

You just need the sealant used for fish tank repairs , something like this I imagine would be fine .


Hope I not appearing a know it all , as I have never tried this type of photography , but like you read quite a lot on it . With the creepy crawly thins , I would suggest just one plant stem resting in the CD box with your suggested colour card background . Think you Might need slightly bigger tanks for more mobile creatures . I learnt a good deal from this book , it`s old and based on 35mm , but the principles are the same , a good book , covers lot of good stuff Wildlife wise .

That is the sealant that I used. Did the book contain the CD information?
I really can not remember his name , bad really , he looked a lot like Bill Oddy , and I met and chatted with him a few times , He showed me a photo of a Water Boatman , I asked how he got it , and he shared the idea with me .
Apart from the fish, they are all flies: the top one is a Mosquito pupa, I think that the third one down is a Stratiomyid (Soldier Fly) larvae and, as you say, the bottom pair are Eristaline Hoverfly larvae.