Wee Jumping Spider

Andrew Robertson
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Pseudeuophrys lanigera I think....

It was this big!

That's 1:1 on my 40D.....the others were closer but all shot using a MP-E 65mm and macro twin flash.

My first jumping spider of the year :D
Great shots, love number one. Scary looking chap isn't he!

Cheers.....but it's not as scary as this one! Different species but that's what they do when they see each other in the wild....my fangs are bigger than your fangs type of duelling. Unfortunately those ones were about 8 feet off the ground and I'm not 8 feet tall:bat:
Thanks :) You probably get these crawling about on houses over your way too ;)

Hi Andrew
Sure do.
Did try a couple of macros of these little guys at 1:1, but way not enough to show any detail.
Can I ask what your set-up is ?
Superb, no 1 is brilliant.. almost "What big eyes you have!"
Thanks guys :) There some info on the gear I used here.....the most addictive lens I've ever known :D
Great find and shots, that lens is very addictive and worth selling up and going canon for I reckon ;)
Cheers guys :) Aye Alby...you certainly don't worry about the grass being greener for other brands when you've got a MP-E. It's good value too...don't think I've even come close to wanting another lens in the couple of years I've had mine...lens lust no more :D