Weeds can be great

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All of these were from one large weed in my garden
Episyrphus balteatus (f)
IMG_4942Hoverfly by davholla2002, on Flickr

Female crap spider Misumena vatia. I under exposed this to get all the detail on her body

IMG_4938Crabspiderv2 by davholla2002, on Flickr

IMG_4926CrabSpiderv4 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Episyrphus balteatus
IMG_4789Hoverfly by davholla2002, on Flickr

Eupeodes luniger (f)

IMG_4932Hoverfly by davholla2002, on Flickr

Buff tailed bumble bee
BumblebeeIMG_4900 by davholla2002, on Flickr
Female crap spider Misumena vatia. I under exposed this to get all the detail on her body

Not sure she is doing a crap in this lol...

Spiders are very good you have a lot of detail on its abdomen and attack pose is always good to see :D

The Hovers and Bee are all been blasted with light making it a little harsh to look at.
Not sure she is doing a crap in this lol...

Spiders are very good you have a lot of detail on its abdomen and attack pose is always good to see :D

The Hovers and Bee are all been blasted with light making it a little harsh to look at.
I really like the bright light - that is a shame if no one else does.
I only reduced it on the crab spider because otherwise you can't see the groves
I wonder if this is anything to do with my colour blindness.
I really like the bright light - that is a shame if no one else does.

The brightest areas in last two look to me to be completely blown to featureless white, which personally I don't find attractive. But if that is what appeals to your eyes then that is the way to do it. You can't please all the people .... etc.

I only reduced it on the crab spider because otherwise you can't see the groves

To me the light level looks quite good on the spider shots, although even there I'm wondering if there is more texture to see within the brighter areas. I do go for a rather subdued look though in my own photos, so that is probably biasing my view of these.

Lovely pose in #3; my favourite of these.

I wonder if this is anything to do with my colour blindness.

That's a thought. I suppose it might be. Do the brightest areas in the last two look white to you, or coloured?