What developer do you use?

I have been using ID11 when deving Delta 400, it was the one recommended, but I must confess that I must get some different stuff and try it like Rodinal.

Why do I like ID11? powder so easy to make up, will do 10 films, really like the way it works with Delta 400 when I rate it at 200.
Ilfosol s is my go to.
I've used all sorts, HC110, LC29, D76, I still use Rodinal, tried ID11 but it goes nowhere, I suspect Microphen will be the same, I'm not impressed with the powders, its faffing about mixing 1 litre of developer that is gone in 7 or 8 rolls.
1 litre of Rodinal will do 50 rolls depending on how its diluted.
I was expecting dilutions similar to the one shots, but they're nothing like :(
my poison is usually ilford ilfotec HC (as that was what the college used so i was used to it) which i use on ilford films, although i prefer microphen or fomapan lqn for my fomapan 200 film and i like rodinal for my adox films :)

all depends on the film and what i want from it
At the moment I'm generally doing all ISO 25-100 with Rodinal and ISO 400 films with Perceptol. I agree that powder devs make me feel that I'm faffing about, but the results are quite good nevertheless (at least with ID-11 and Perceptol).

I used to use a stop bath, but I find that using Ilford's own recommended way of stopping development works best - water with fast aggitation for 10 seconds and then 4-5 more refreshes of water for the same amount of time before fixing (y)
I use Rodinal pretty much exclusively, simply because it works out cheap, and because it lasts for a very very long time as concentrate. The films I use are pan f+, fp4+ and hp5+ (with the occasional push to 800 or 1600).
I have some books on my shelf that detail hundreds of developer formulae that were all claimed to be special!
In reality I think the emulsion characteristic has a dominant influence on the image quality (e.g. granularity and fog) and there's not so much difference between developers.

The only "special" developer that I found lived up to its claims was May and Baker's Promicrol. Microphen also did a pretty good job if you wanted a speed increase.