What do you think to the following images?

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today I used a 1950's Nikon RF lens, (The Nippon Kogaku Nikkor-Q.C 1:3.5 13.5cm) = f3.5 135mm, that I have never really used, (I bought it years ago when I used my Nikon S – mistakenly as it has a LTM thread and not the Nikon S mount) – anyway I stuck it on my M8 and fired off a few hand held shots.

Its 3.5cm = 135mm, but on the M8 sensor you multiply by 1.33 to get the “focal distance” of say 180mm, (don’t argue I know it’s not totally true) – so it’s a 180mm lens on a RF 35mm body.... so they will never be "digitally" sharp!

The images could be sharper if I use a tripod – they are hand held, f8 at 1/60th sec - but that’s not really my point

I was really surprised at the colours, taken late afternoon today – OK the M8 has a CCD sensor, (Kodak made), but the colours are different from what I normally see from the M8

The lens

The images - full images - not cropped - a few adjustments in LR


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I like them. I'll quite often potter about in the garden. Not that I'll shoot anything particularly artistic. I just enjoy the colour and playing around with DOF.