What film?

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Hey guys, I am thinking of trying out my Nikon FG-20 for some landscape stuff but I haven't got a clue about what film to get, any reccommendations?
Interesting question! I guess you mean am I looking to develop the film as prints or slides? I have no way of viewing slides so prints.
In that case :agree: with Steve above... :shrug: ... Kodak produce some great colour stuff... ;)

I like fuji 160s, it's a slightly lower contrast film but that makes scanning easier, and the tones are nicer on fuji than kodak imo
And what about B&W if I change my mind?
Depends what speed you're after but Ilford is generally a good choice... (y) ...

... try any of these... Ilford PAN F 50ASA, Delta 100ASA, FP4 125ASA, HP5 400ASA ... ;)

It will all be commercially developed.
It will all be commercially developed.

The easiest B&W to get developed will be Ilford XP2 or Kodak BW400CN as anyone doing colour will be able to run it through.

-- The B&W films previously mentioned might give 'better' results but will need home processing or a (now more) specialist lab.
The best place I've found for B&W processing is Ilford's own service-just get the pre-paid envelopes from 7DayShop for a decent cost saving. (y)
I've also found them to be the best for C41 B&W films too; whilst anywhere can process those, the prints always have a slight colour cast due to the colour paper.

Oh yes, here's another big thumbs-up to Ektar 100 for colour prints.
Thanks guys, big help as always.
The best place I've found for B&W processing is Ilford's own service-just get the pre-paid envelopes from 7DayShop for a decent cost saving.

I have heard good reports about the Ilford service too. Not sure about postage to/from Australia though! (although theoretically should not be a problem).

I have heard good reports about the Ilford service too. Not sure about postage to/from Australia though! (although theoretically should not be a problem).


Lesson learnt: read OP's full profile, not just their username :LOL:
color negative film - fuji proplus ii
color slide - Rdp III
B&W - Ilford delta 100 or 400
Fuji superia 200...excellent general purpose film.
I picked up some Kodak BW400CN, I'll run that through at the weekend just to make sure everything is working ok.
I picked up some Kodak BW400CN, I'll run that through at the weekend just to make sure everything is working ok.

Good choice-that's my favourite 400ASA B&W film-very little grain indeed. It's probably worth reminding the minilab to do the prints as B&W (although the film is C41 process). This will minimise any colour cast on the prints.