What MF camera to buy?

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If its even possible in my budget. Thinking of spending a couple of hundred pounds on a camera to try out some medium format. If its possible to get whats needed for that money does anyone have any suggestions as to whats best to buy, I've seen a couple of bronicas on ebay but not sure if there any good or not.

All im looking for is basic kit to get me started and if it becomes a hobby i can add to it over time.

Hi Allen in this weeks Amatuer Photographer Bronica SQA kit plus Gitso tripod £220
Worth a look . Have a look at Ebay
Guid health :beer:
For that kind of budget you're going to be looking at either a 6*45 or 6*6 kit and most likely from mamiya or bronica.

basically, 6*7 or bigger and the likes of Contax and Hassleblad will probably cost too much.

I'm a big fan of Bronny stuff but if I was getting into a 6*45 system, I'd be more swayed towards Mamiya. Both have excellent glass and lots of stuff to expand your kit if you get the bug.
Any reason for me to avoid it?

Well not exactly reasons to avoid but there are a few things to be aware of. Firstly, the 150 lens is a mild telephoto rather than the 80mm standard. This might work for you and a standard lens will be pretty cheap to pick up. Secondly, that's a prism viewer on there, not a waist level finder where you work off the ground glass screen.

Man people prefer the prism as it makes the camera just like a 35mm style SLR but if you want the whole "slowed down, fully in your hands manual" style, the waist level finder is where it's at.

Good luck either way. :)
Well, I just went ahead and bought the bronica, will add another lens later on.

Surprisingly the camera arrived this afternoon even though I only payed for it yesterday at about 4pm. The camera has got no marks on it just a covering of dust but that will be easy enough to clean off so pretty happy. Even just looking through the camera is so different to my 40D the viewfinder seems huge. Really looking forward to putting some film in it and trying it out. It was a real impulse buy but just now i dont regret it.

Only thing is i cant get the lens off, i think it might just be stiff but i dont want to put anything on it to try and loosen it, any ideas?

Edit: just maneged to get the lens off, the button must just have been stiff. I pushed in a little metal bit at the back of the camera that seemed like it was trying to move when i was pressing the button and that loosened it up, and the inside of the camera is sparkling. Quite surprised with the condition overall.