What Sort Of Film Do I Need?

April 2008
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Ok, so now that I've run off a roll of B&W in my Holga, I'd like to try some colour. The problem I was faced with when sending off my B&W was that I had to pay for dev and contact sheet as it was the cheapest option that enabled me to 'see the results'. I am thinking transparency would be a good option as I can see the results without the need for getting everything scanned/printed.

Does that make sense?

So what sort of film should I buy. Am thinking i'll get it off flebay. I am looking in the medium and large format film section and know I need 120 format, but that's as far as my knowledge goes. :shrug:
There is a new one of Kodak called Ektar 100 thats supposed to have good colour saturation... and it's C41 so you can get it processed at ASDA for £2.50!

The C41 b&w films arnt to bad as well, got some Ilford XP2 and i like it.

I'd give 7dayshop.com a go, quite cheap and pretty safe as they now do verifyed by vesa stuff.
I'd give 7dayshop.com a go, quite cheap and pretty safe as they now do verifyed by vesa stuff.

I'm going to be pedantic, but I have worked in the industry and still work in this field.

Verified by Visa covers 7dayshop's rear-end, not yours. It means that the person performing the transaction needs to know information that isn't written down on the card.

It doesn't mean they store the data any more securely. They can get Verified by Visa/Mastercard 3DSecure without being PCI compliant.

I'm not saying 7dayshop are dangerous to shop with, I'm just stating facts!
Thanks for the advice... am sorted now with a couple of test rolls coming via Joxby. Once again, I couldn't live without this site and the generosity of it's members... well, maybe i'd survive, but my wallet would be emptier and I'd be more miserable! ;)
:beer::beer::beer:I asked the guy in asdas if he processed c41 black and white ,his answer was i will have to ring the Fuji rep then asked if they process 120 film colour his answer WHATS THAT, so i thought what the hell i gave him two rolls fuji 35mm colour film.
When i collected the pics I then rememberd why i stoped giving asdas my colour film ,every picture had this horrible red colour cast .
All my colur film and c41 is sent to Pyriamid Imaging in Edinburgh the guy there is brilliant.
Guid health
It's going to be trickier to get good results with slide film as it's much more punishing to wrong exposures and seeing as the Holga has only two exposure settings your going to probably end up with many useless frames. Having said that if you want to give it a go I'd try Provia 400 (or any other 400ASA slide film).
I use ASDA for pretty much developing film, prints if they are ok is a bonus. They use to process only for £1.99. Not sure if they still do it though.

I think it helps as I have a 24hour one round the corner!

Had some good results from boots in the past as well.

I thought vesa verifyed ment safer, hey ho!
with regards to the OP;

You could always getsome out of date slide film and have it processed in C41 chems. The fujifilm shop have OOD stuff normally and there are plenty of labs out there that are willing to CP film if you don't mind waiting a few days!
CP = Cross Process
To process slide (normally E6), in C41 colour neg chemicals.
I've seen reviews on Holga cameras but I think that the Lubitel 166 is a better camera, although mine had severe light leaks.
You could probably pick up a Zeiss Nettar for very little moneyand have the benefit of a decent lens and shutter.
I've seen reviews on Holga cameras but I think that the Lubitel 166 is a better camera, although mine had severe light leaks.
You could probably pick up a Zeiss Nettar for very little moneyand have the benefit of a decent lens and shutter.

And a netter will fit in your pocket!
You could probably pick up a Zeiss Nettar for very little moneyand have the benefit of a decent lens and shutter.

Kinda defeats the object for me. Although I've yet to see my first results from the Holga, the attraction for me is that I have two opposite ends of the spectrum. At one end there's all singing dancing, know what you'll get, high quality digital from the 5D, then at the other end I've got this toy that does little more than open a shutter and pray. That's a big attraction. Low bucks, seat of your pants, photography/art.