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Hi I have been offered a mint Vivitar 135.2.8 in m42 mount. Now I know this is a classic lens but I would only buy it to sell it on. I have no cameras that old although I do believe there are adaptors available.
This is not the macro model.

Anyone know what it's worth, I can't see one advertised anywhere.
Did'nt really want to see a profit. But I did not want to buy it and not be able to pass it on to someone who may need it.
Hi Dunk, I have a m42 adapter. I have a 135 CZJ, so dont need another 135. But I am on the lookout for a good wide (wider than 28 mm) on M42. . Also interested in a Sonnar 85mm and a sonnar wide on a Contax ( IIa) mount. If you get offered / know about any of these, I will be interested. Thanks. Ujjwal
Hi will let you know tomorrow. I might just buy it anyway it's with an absolute mint Fujica ST 605N with a 50mm f2 lens. No I don't need another 35mm but it's just so nice.
AND!.....I dunno about the lens but its M42, M42 + Fujica = :cool:

I would normally suggest some suitable bodacious glass, but I'm trying to buy said bodacious glass myself, and there's only so much to go round....:LOL:

wthehells going on with the smileys, they've all moved damit..:dummy:
Yes it's cool. But I don't need it, I don't need it, I don't need it. Why can't I just look upon these old cameras as relics and ignore them.
I worked in a camera shop in Notts in the early sixties selling Pentax spotmatics and the Yashica 124Gs. amongst others. Did a wedding with a Wrayflex, everything upside down and back to front, key wind and everything goes blank when you press the shutter.
We used to throw the film casset in the air and catch it in the open back of the instamatics to show how easy they were to load. Things just aint the same now. Hope you get your lens.
Things just aint the same now.

They aren't ?

Things are better now ?

I have sympathy for peeps that have been there and done it all with film equipment.
They drop it all and embrace modern methods and digital technology, shift all their interest to it and forget about analogue days convinced its the way forward, only to find later.......it just aint the same.

That's a good point.

Maybe starting with film, the learning curve and everything that that entails, was enough to put a lot of peeps off.
Maybe digi starters avoid the initial frustration and fuxxups that come with noob film, and are better placed to enjoy it when they get interested, with the rudimentarys of photography already learnt.

anyway.....what's this vivitar worth...:confused:
Hi Martinsmith. The lens number is 28923156 looks to be a nice bit of glass. Has a small slider for auto or manual.
Yes I bought it, can't wait to put a film through the camers with the 135 on.
I have an ST605 and it's lovely...I also have the Vivitar 135mm you have...a lovely little lens (y)

Don't forget to check the battery that powers the metering.
Thanks Chris. It's been checked and is ok. Lovely to go back to a bit of stop down metering. All the speeds work a treat too, the winding down of the self timer is a sweet sound.
I will prob have a good play then let it go to someone wanting to try their hand at basic 35mm.