What't the name of ...


The other Chris
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At the Photography Show the was a company selling a what was basically a metal plate with short adjustable legs for standing a camera on an uneven surface. I can't remember the name of the product, does anyone know?
I know the thing you mean, I thought it was called "Ultra Pod", but that is another type of small tripod.
At the Photography Show the was a company selling a what was basically a metal plate with short adjustable legs for standing a camera on an uneven surface. I can't remember the name of the product, does anyone know?
Not 100% sure but I think @RedRobin had/has something like that?

If not him.......I am sure there is/was a member here who posted a photo or two of it being used...???

Wracking my brains to recall what it was called :thinking:
I didn't go to the show, but I've seen these...

That's the one, thanks all
Not 100% sure but I think @RedRobin had/has something like that?

If not him.......I am sure there is/was a member here who posted a photo or two of it being used...???

Wracking my brains to recall what it was called :thinking:
.... @sirch Chris, yes I do have a Platypod Pro. Have had it a few years so the latest version might be slightly different but not much so.

I have found all sorts of uses for it but the best one for me is as a base to mount a tripod head on - Currently on the window sill of my 'Kitchen Window Hide' where it is resident. It will support even the weight of a Canon 1DX-2 + ED 500mm F/4L II etc (when I had Canon gear) without even a hint of toppling over. So now my OM 150-400mm TC Pro etc = absolutely no problem.

It is excellent for sitting on the narrow cill of a hide and easy to pack in a backpack.

HTH :)
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I did recall the name Platy Pod whilst otherwise engaged.....memory is bit like that at times.......doing other things and it pops into place. And indeed that it was @RedRobin who had one :)