Which chemicals

cathal donnelly
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Hi folks

I have recently entered the film world and I am enjoying it
I have just received the equipment for my darkroom and am keen to get started but I am not sure which chemicals to buy.I am intending to develop my own negs and wet prints so I would like some advice on what to get chemical and paper

Welcome to the dark side:p

first things do you have the kit to develop your negs?

you need a developing tank, a couple of measuring cylinders and it sounds like you have somewhere you can make light tight if you're going to be printing.

For developing film you need 3 chemicals:

1. developer - my advice is go for something simple like ilfosol 3 and see if you like it

2. stop bath - not totally neccesary for film, but you need it for prints anyway and its cheap, so some Ilfostop

3. fixer - go for rapidfix, its easy and you use it for both film and paper

For developing prints you need 3 chemicals :cautious: which are roughly the same as the film ones

1. developer - start basic, I use ilford multigrade developer and its fine

2. stop bath - exactly the same as the stuff for film

3. fixer - you can use the same as the film

You can also reuse the stop and fixer. The film developer is one shot so you use it once and toss it, the paper developer does a number of prints and then they start to go murky, throw it away before this happens. You will most likely not do enough printing in a single session to get to this stage though so just throw it away at the end of the printing session.

Unfortunately fix just stops working. you can kind of tell by smell but when it takes a long time (more than 5 minutes or so) to clear a piece of exposed film then get rid.

may I recommend silverprint for all your chemical needs, great folks with nearly everything you could ever need (y) LINK

dont be afraid to ask questions, we don't bite and it's great fun (plus the smell of the fix does come off eventually:D)

Oh, paper wise go for some Ilford multigrade RC (resin) first, its fine
Thanks for taking time to give me advice Chris

Cheers Cathal